Thursday, July 8, 2021

July 8, 2021 Ridley's Believe It Or Not Math 2.0 Dau


Ridley’s Believe It Or Not July 8, 2021       

            CV World Cases: The CV pandemic across the planet continues on a slowing down basis the new year with cases now over 186 million at 186,107,529 cases ( 185,386,774 cases yesterday); 11,832,746 of which are active, 174,481,218 closed with 170,455,453 recoveries (97.69% and 97.69% yesterday, and 4,025,765 deaths (2.31% and 2.31% yesterday) to continue the slow trend of increased cases with increased recovery percentages and decreased death percentage with some plateaus, dips, and rises.
            CV USA Cases: Total cases now over 34 million at 34,676,896 (34,622,690 yesterday)  with 4,851,375 active cases of which 3,850 are serious or critical (3801 yesterday and 8,599 on 3/25/2021) (now up to .079% of active cases and now a significant reduction to increase the number of serious or critical cases to decrease the reduction from the 29,271 peak on 12/31/2020 to 25,421, 29,825,521 closed, with 622,213 deaths (2.09% and 2.09% yesterday) and with 29,203,308 recoveries (97.91% and 97.91% yesterday). Our death rate percentage continues to slowly improve and after many months is still .22% lower than the world’s death rate.

             Standing: On a deaths per million population measure on a steady   but slow climb to 1869 the U.S. ranks behind Peru (5794) the new number 1 which has had a quantum leap in deaths previously unmatched which was a change in the classification to give Peru the a new method of reporting to have a fatality rate of 9.36% of total cases now; Hungary the new number 2 has had a huge continuing surge in deaths with the increase now slowing down and improving slightly to  3.89% of its closed cases have died (3114), aping Hungary in terms of increase in deaths Bulgaria 2630),   Brazil (2477) which has been hit with a rapid rise in deaths and cases and passed us and Italy, Belgium (2164), Argentina (2146), (Italy (2116), Poland (1987), and the UK (1880) which had passed us despite leading world in testing and now has new deaths barely increasing),  and slightly better than Mexico (1797), Romania (1788), Chile (1738), Spain (1732),  France (1701), Portugal (1685),  Sweden (1437) that never closed its economy down like we did, Bolivia (1442) and Switzerland (1250). 
              Tests: We have now conducted 510,480,341 tests (now at 1,533,081/M) compared to number 2 now France at 1,458,677/M) as we are conducting more tests in number and on a per capital basis for all nations (other than those nations that contain small populations like Bahrain, Denmark, Israel, Malta, Singapore and UAE) other than the U.K. which remains as king of the mountain with respect to tests at 3, 243,849/M.
               CV Open Gate: Lost in the pronouncements by Biden and his lackeys   that there is no crisis of illegals surging across the border is that fact that COVID-19 is alive and well and spreading in the Northern Triangle and Mexico which been passed by Argentina to move down to 11th  on my list of deaths from the pandemic  at 1797/M with a fatality rate of 10.36% of closed cases and the 3 countries in the Northern Triangle in terms of active cases and deaths per million are as follows even though the data may be suspect as underreported (regardless of number we need no more cases):
                     Guatemala:  Active Cases:  27,036 Deaths/M 526
                     Honduras:    Active Cases: 169,671 Deaths/M 713
                     El Salvador:  Active cases:     4,543 Deaths/M 372
                US Vaccinations: As of 7/8/21 332.3 million doses at .599 million per day down from .866 million per day which means if the rate does not increase it will take us now some an increase to 8 months to have 75% of the population vaccinated which many believe is necessary to develop herd immunity (other than Flip Flop Fauci who now believes that 90% is required).  In California 43,307,094 total doses have been given (87.4% of doses received to exceed the U.S. average of 86.2), but even with the pressure of a recall to be scheduled this fall which hopefully end Newsom’s term, California has finally  moved down from 19th   to 20th of the 50 states in terms of the percentage of doses administered as a percentage of doses delivered to the states and at 50.7% of its population fully vaccinated compared to the U.S. average of 47.7% has  not moved from 18th among the 50 states.  A long way to go still to get herd immunity in terms of getting vaccines received into arms and the percentage of the population fully vaccinated compared to other states which means a great reason to recall this inept and hypocritical governor.
              Non  CV News: Searchers at the collapsed Champlain South Tower with 64 deaths confirmed and 76 believed to still be missing have ended their search for survivors and are now searching to recover bodies believed to be in the rubble; the chickens of Woke in Georgia may be coming home to roost for Sen. Warnock who did not protest the ill-advised move of the MLM Allstar to Denver which will cost Atlanta some $100 million in tourist revenue (even leftist Stacey Abrams protested the move; Biden in a speech today at the White House confirmed that all U.S. troops will be out of the country by August 31 but also confirmed efforts to speed up immigration visas for Afghan interpreters who served with the U.S. military and their families to relocate to the U.S. (watching him answer shouted questions from the press was like watching a downloaded video stream with not enough transmission speed so it kept pausing and seems to provide further evidence of his failing mental faculties); Chicago is still in a state of shock over the number of shootings during the 4th of July weekend and true to form not a single peep from BLM over the carnage of blacks shooting blacks as they keep their protest and riot powder dry for the next rare case of police shooting an unarmed black; once again a functioning body cam is proving to be a police officer’s best friend as Tampa police officer  Bryan Velazquez’s body cam shows black John Reuben Turbe, Jr. ignoring commands to drop his gun, then while coming toward the officer, pointing it at him and then being shot fatally; the Biden Administration defended its plan to send out an army of “volunteers” door to door to determine who has been vaccinated as Becerra intones “it is the government’s right to know” and Psaki expresses Biden’s frustrations over backlash and assures us that no database will be generate and kept;  Michael Avenatti convicted of trying to extort $25 million from Nike has been sentenced to 2 ½  years in prison (not out of the woods yet as this disgraced lawyer still faces a fraud trial in L.A. next week, a second criminal trial in California later in the year and a trial in NYC next year for defrauding Stormy Daniels out of thousands of dollars; Steve Schmidt who should be focused on how to prevent perverts like co-founder Rick Weaver of the Lincoln Project from molesting young men that 21 have alleged instead is parroting Matthew Dowd’s inanity that 1/6 was worse than 9/11 and will kill more Americans; as Trump has announced plans to sue the leftist troika of censorship—Google, Facebook and Twitter for censorship after banning him from their platforms after the 1/6 demonstration at the Capitol, leave it to the political cartoonist to graphically portray the event (since Trump is not on a horse like Don Quixote with a lance does it mean that the cartoonist believes there is a chance Trump might win?):

               Chicago Gun Violence: Hey is alive and well to collect data to show that through July 7, 2,021, gun violence involving mostly persons of color shooting mostly persons of color in Chicago is alive and well with 2118 persons shot of whom 361 have died.
               As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for this day in history, a recording musical link to “The Wayward Wind” by Gogi Grant,  the fact that you would never turn down a well-seasoned salmagundi  and a quote by Francis Gary Powers of the shooting down of his U-2 over the Soviet Union, secure in the knowledge that if you want to send a gift for any memorable events like Fourth of July, college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. Please contact me for details on pricing.
              1.  Math 2.0 Day—created by the Math 2.0 Interest Group on this day in 2009 to explore the intersection of math and technology in our lives and to promote the furtherance of math education and literacy.
              2.  SCUD Day—not a day to observe the deadly Scud missile fired at Israel to provoke them from attacking Iraq and upsetting the coalition to attack Iraq in Desert Storm but a day created by Stephanie Allen West, a former practicing lawyer who has been a mediator for over 2 ½ decades but rather a day to Savor the Comedy, Unplug the Drama which is what most of us watching the chaos and division in the Swamp would like to do.
             3. 1956 Number 1 Song USA—the number 1 song in 1956 on this day was “The Wayward Wind” by Gogi Grant on a run of 6 weeks in that position to share with 14 other songs that achieved number 1 status. Here is a recording of “The Wayward Wind” by Gogi Grant:  Gogi Grant got her stage name from the name of a restaurant and retired from recording in 1967 and the wind blew her off the planet at the age of 91 on March 10, 2016.
              4.  Word of the Day—the word of the day is “salmagundi” which means a stew of many ingredients which sounds like a great way to get rid of leftovers in a tasty manner.
              5.  Rolling The Dice--celebrating the birth on this day in 1997 of noted running back at Stanford, Bryce Love, who backed up Christian McCaffrey his freshman and sophomore year but as a junior really came into his own his junior year and was the runner up in the Heisman Trophy like McCaffrey but unlike McCaffrey who went pro after his junior year, played his senior year only to suffer an ACL tear in his last game and although drafted by Washington never played a game and has been released.

               On this day in:
a. 1889 the first issue of the Wall Street Journal was published.
                b. 1947 it was reported by the Roswell Army Airfield and quickly retracted, that a UFO had crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico. To this day ufologists have not accepted the idea that a weather balloon was the object that crashed.
                 c. 1960 Francis Gary Powers whose U-2 was shot down over the Soviet Union was put on trial for espionage (he was as expected convicted and sentenced to 10 years but on February 10, 1962 he was released in exchange for a senior Soviet spy, Colonel Rudolf Abel.
                 d. 1972
Ghassan Kanafani, an author and member of the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine who supported the Lod Airport Massacre, was assassinated by Mossad when he turned on the ignition of his car which set off a bomb.
                  e. 2011 in an end to an era moment, the Space Shuttle Atlantis was launched.
                  Reflections on the consequences of being shot down in his U-2 on a spy mission over the Soviet Union: “I was completely unprepared. I presumed that once it was known I was missing a cover story would be issued. Unfortunately, no one had ever bothered to inform us pilots what it would be. ” Francis Gary Powers
                   Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet, and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History,  poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.

© July 8, 2021 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire, Beyond Compare
A Unique Gift, All Recipients a Lasting Gift

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