Ridley’s Believe It Or Not June 30, 2021
CV World Cases: The CV pandemic across the
planet continues on a slowing down basis the new year with cases now
over 182 million at 182,817,773 cases (182,401,747 yesterday), 11,476,061 of
which are active, 171,341,712 closed with 167,383,841 recoveries (97.69%
and 97.69% yesterday), and 3,957,871 deaths (2.31% and 2.31% yesterday) to
continue the slow trend of increased cases with increased recovery percentages
and decreased death percentage with some plateaus, dips, and rises.
CV USA Cases: Total cases now over 34 million at 34,529,931 (34,513,659
yesterday) with 4,891,301 active cases of which 3,845 (3,842) yesterday and
8,599 on 3/25/2021) (now up to .079% of active cases and now back to a 3 serious
or critical cases increase to decrease the reduction from the 29,271 peak on
12/31/2020 to 25,426), 29,638,630 closed, with 620,037 deaths (2.09% and 2.09%
yesterday) and with 29,018,593 recoveries (97.91% and 97.91% yesterday). Our
death rate percentage continues to slowly improve and after many months is
still .22% lower than the world’s death rate.
On a deaths per million population measure on a steady but slow climb to 1862 the U.S. ranks behind
Peru (5749) the new number 1 which has had a quantum leap in deaths previously
unmatched which was a change in the classification to give Peru the a new method
of reporting to have a fatality rate of 9.38% of total cases now; Hungary the
new number 2 has had a huge continuing surge in deaths with the increase now
slowing down and improving slightly to 3.90% of its closed cases
have died (3113), aping Hungary in terms of increase in deaths Bulgaria (2617), Brazil
(2411) which has been hit with a rapid rise in deaths and cases and passed us
and Italy, Belgium (2162), Italy (2113), Argentina (2054), Poland (1984), and
the UK (1878) which had passed us despite leading world in testing and now has
new deaths barely increasing), and slightly better than Mexico (1787),
Romania (1768), Spain (1729), France (1698), Chile (1688) Portugal (1681), Sweden
(1436) that never closed its economy down like we did, Bolivia (1412) and
Switzerland (1249). Tests:
As more and more of us are being vaccinated we are testing fewer each day and we
have now conducted 505,620,703 tests (now at 1,518,704/M) compared to number 2
now France at 1,423,013/M) as we are conducting more tests in number and
on a per capital basis for all nations (other than those nations that contain
small populations like Bahrain, Denmark, Israel, Malta, Singapore and UAE)
other than the U.K. which remains as king of the mountain with respect to tests
at 3,109,926/M.
CV Open Gate: Lost in the pronouncements by Biden and his
lackeys that there is no crisis of illegals surging across the
border is that fact that COVID-19 is alive and well and spreading in the Northern
Triangle and Mexico which been passed by Argentina to move down to 11th on
my list of deaths from the pandemic at
1787/M with a fatality rate of 10.44% of closed cases and the 3 countries in
the Northern Triangle in terms of active cases and deaths per million are as
follows even though the data may be suspect as underreported (regardless of
number we need no more cases):
Guatemala: Active Cases:
19,101 Deaths/M 501
Honduras: Active Cases: 162,686 Deaths/M 694
El Salvador: Active Cases: 3,813 Deaths/M 365
US Vaccinations: As of 6/30/21
326.5 million doses with after 4 days of decreasing doses finally increasing
for 4 days from .896 million per day yesterday to 1.002 million per day which
means if the rate does not increase it will take now take us some 5 months to
miss Biden’s goal of having 75% of the population vaccinated which many believe
is necessary to develop herd immunity (other than Flip Flop Fauci who is
suggesting 90%). In California 42,644,084 total doses have been given (86.8 of
doses received to exceed the U.S. average of 85.5%), but even with the pressure
of a recall to be scheduled this fall which hopefully ends Newsom’s term,
California moved from 21st to
10th of the 50 states in
terms of the percentage of doses administered as a percentage of doses
delivered to the states and at 49.8% of its population fully vaccinated
compared to the U.S. average of 46.7% is still at 18th among the 50 states (maybe Newsom’s vaccine
lottery deserves more credit). A long way to go still to get herd
immunity in terms of getting vaccines received into arms and the percentage of
the population fully vaccinated compared to other states which means a great
reason to recall this inept and hypocritical governor.
Non CV News: In Miami as
searchers are still trying to comb the rubble for survivors, the confirmed
death count has increased to 18 with the bodies of 2 children 16 and confirmed
missing at 147 as Dan Prietto who in a wish I had not said that moment when he
in 2018 advised the HOA Board that the building was in “good shape” has left
the consulting firm he had been hired by before the collapse; the search for bodies will continue as news of
a tropical storm which will make the search very difficult is bearing down on
Miami. Bill Cosby at age 83 who had already served 3 years of a 10 year
sentence for rape and sexual abuse has had his conviction overturned by the
Pennsylvania Supreme Court due to an agreement signed by him and prosecutors
that he would not be prosecuted for giving his deposition (he was obviously
guilty and should have been prosecuted and if convicted but an agreement is an
agreement that the prosecutors should never have made given the number of
victims willing to testify but should have realized they were bound by it);
after Harris hung out at the El Paso Airport and a CBP processing facility forced
against her political instinct to hide behind the shibboleth of “finding root
causes”, Trump and Abbot went to the border to blast Biden for creating a really
dangerous situation at our open border with record numbers of illegals crossing
due to Biden’s perceived invite while campaigning and the reversal of effective
Trump policies (Reds should have had Trump shown in front of the wide open
section of the uncompleted wall or a section where photographers would have
caught hundreds coming across the Rio Grande):
Chicago Gun
Violence: Hey Jackass.com is alive and well to collect data to show that through
June 29, 2,021, gun violence involving mostly persons of color
shooting mostly persons of color in Chicago is alive and well with 1939 persons
shot of whom 330 have died.
As always, I hope you enjoy
today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for this day in
history, a recording musical link to “(Ghost) Riders of the Sky: A Cowboy
Legend” by Vaughn Monroe and His Orchestra, the fact that you are careful with
things that are ruptile, and a quote by Elon Musk on the dangers other than asteroids
that humanity faces, some natural and others manmade, secure in the knowledge that if you want to send a gift for any
memorable events like Fourth of July, college graduations, birthdays, weddings,
or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a
unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the
recipient. Please contact me for details on pricing.
1. Asteroid Day—created by Stephen Hawking and
some 200 scientists, astronauts, artists, and technologists on December 14,
2014 and first celebrated on June 30, 2015 the anniversary of the impact by this
day on 1908 near Tunguska, Siberia of a large asteroid that flattened some 2500
square kilometers of forest to promote awareness to the possibilities of large objects
hitting the Earth that are too big to be burned up in our atmosphere and pursue
methods to detect and possibly destroy them.
2. Social
Media Day—created by Mashable on June 30, 2010 “as a way
to recognize and celebrate social media’s impact on global communication” of
which it has had a tremendous impact and given the proclivity to censor
conservative ideas not favored by the left a good portion of that impact
dangerous to democratic society.
3. 1949 Number
1 Song USA—the number 1 song in 1949 on this day on a run
of 11 weeks in the position was “(Ghost) Riders In the Sky: A Cowboy Legend” by
Vaughn Monroe and His Orchestra” by Vaugh Monroe and His Orchestra to join 8
other songs in the number 1 position. Here is a recording of “(Ghost) Riders In
the Sky: A Cowboy Legend” by Vaughn Monroe and His Orchestra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHo6ug6yAmw.
This talent baritone singer and band leader was a model train fanatic and
piloted on tour often his Lockheed 12A. His days of riding with the Ghost
Riders in the Sky ended shortly after surgery for a bleeding ulcer on May 21,
1873 at age 61.
4. Word of the Day—the word
of the day is “ruptile” which means easily breakable which is why one should
never allow a bull in a China shop.
5. 80,000 Rabbits Out of a Hat--celebrating the birth on this day in 1934 of noted magician
and author and member of the Orange County Knights of the Roundtable Harvey
Blackstone, Jr., whose father was also a magician “The Great Blackstone” whose
illusion mesmerized countless fans but in the end a cure for pancreatic cancer
was not like a rabbit and he could not pull it out from a hat and died from it May
14, 1997 at age 61.
On this
day in:
b. 1966 the National Organization of Women was founded.
c. 1997 in a day the residents of Hong Kong would later rue as it would amount to a significant loss of freedoms at the hands of the ruling Chinese Communist Party, the United Kingdom ceded sovereignty over Hong Kong to the Peoples Republic of China.
d. 2013 19 firefighters died in Yarnell, Arizona while fighting a wildfire that came upon them to fast to run from when the wind shifted.
Reflections on asteroids
and other dangers we face: An asteroid or a supervolcano could certainly
destroy us, but we also face risks the dinosaurs never saw: An engineered
virus, nuclear war, inadvertent creation of a micro black hole, or some
as-yet-unknown technology could spell the end of us.” Elon Musk whose prediction
on engineered virus given our recent experience with COVID-19 which more likely
than not came from a Chinese lab in Wuhan to kill almost 4,000,000 people in
a worldwide pandemic which so far the Chinese Communist Party has not been
held accountable. |
Please enjoy the poems on events of interest
on my twitter account below (if you like them,
retweet, and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive
and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to www.alaskanpoet.blogspot.com for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in
History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and
poems on breaking news items of importance or go to Ridley's Believe It Or Not for
just This Day in History.
© June 30, 2021 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet
Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire
Poet Extraordinaire, Beyond Compare
A Unique Gift, All Recipients a Lasting Gift