Saturday, February 8, 2025

Vaccination Rates Down and Flu Cases Off the Charts With 13,000 Deahs


This season is  proving to be a bad year for the flu according to the CDC
Through October,  24 million illnesses, 310,000 hospitalizations and 13,000 cases ending in fatalities
Public Health Officials were thrilled that cases of COVID-19 and RVC were on a downward trend
But the rise in flu cases and deaths brought any celebrations to a quick premature end Not sure yet whether a deadlier and more contagious strain of the flu is now here
But only 44 % of adults for flu vaccines chose to with their arms bared to the needle appear 
And children whose immunes systems have not grown to in virus attacks be all hands on deck
The percentages for vaccinations dropped from 50 to 45 percent that their parents would elect
Whether the vaccine is more or less able to the flu virus attack and contain
Is not yet known but the lower vaccination rates the more likely that flu epidemics will reign

© 2/8/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Trump Signs an Executive Order Banning Transgenders Born as Males From Competing in Females' Sports


Every Blue with a daughter or granddaughter playing or trying to play on a school sports team must be silently overjoyed
Especially those Blues lacking a good deal of spine fearful of the wrath that Hakeem Jeffries against those opposing transgenders in females’ sport will employ
When it comes to opposing Reds and Trump, Blues must vote together as one team
Or face committee assignment purgatory from minority dictator Hakeem
Now able to with a straight face proclaim the transgenders are females line
Ignoring the more muscle mass and larger heart and lungs the being a male defines
Trump signing an executive order banning transgenders with a birth certificate that labels them a male from competing in female sports
If a school ignores his order that school is in violation of Title IX and federal funding to that school the funding officials will abort
The NCAA reacted with hyper speed ruling that transgenders could not as females compete
Now the authorities at the state level must ape the NCAA and the end of transgenders with male equipment intact on the field and in the women’s locker rooms will be complete
Riley Gaines who has been attacked and endured all manner of abuse as a Horatio at the sports bridge preventing the transgender barbarians from coming across
Enabling common sense to prevail and hand the transgender fad movement a crippling loss
She deserves all manner of praise and after she turns 25 in April of this year
We should hope she runs for Congress as an intelligent, well versed speaker who would be a counterweight to the leftist inanities that from AOC’s lips usually appear

© 2/6/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Stoners' Long Term Use Destroys Memory Functions and Smoking It Leads To Greater Chances of Heart Attacks and Strokes


In the U.S. more and states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana’s recreational use
Studies are being undertaken to reveal brain damages when stoners chose to abuse
Daily usage attacks the memory functions of the brain
The ability to recall facts to solve problems goes done the drain
With DEI and its mediocracy on its way to the trash can
Lifetime stoners trying to hurdle the “best and the brightest” barriers are going to have difficulty in finding jobs in this land
Add to a lifetime of marijuana use starting in college or earlier in high school
The fact that education today is failing too many who are not learning life coping tools
To find and keep a well-paying to a family support
Instead living paycheck to paycheck going into debt and coming up short
The news about adverse brain effects is not the end of the gift that keeps on giving
Stoners smoking marijuana have a 25% greater chance or a heart attack and 42% greater chance of a stroke, events which are not helpful to stay living

© 2/4/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

American Airlines Pilot Calming Pre Flight Speech Before Takeoff To Miami Was Taped and Viewed by 6.5 Million


With 2 back to back aircraft disasters in the U.S.
It should come as no surprise that passengers boarding are undergoing a lot of anxiety stress
Which is probably not soothed by the flight attendants memorized list of safety features in the event of a crash
When videos of the collision over the Potomac causing the chopper and the plane to burst into flames as into the river they smashed
Or the video of the medavac Lear Jet diving straight into the ground
Killing all aboard the Lear, injuring 24 on the ground and massive fires spreading all around
The American Airlines pilot must sensed the stress of the passengers wondering why they were on this flight
Nerves causing shaking, blood pressure rising and pulse rate climbing out sight
Here’s what the non-poet pilot said to trying to the anxiety calm
That passengers would believe they were in good hands and free from deadly harm
“[You] may be fearful about flying, and that's certainly understandable, but just please know that my first officer and our flight attendants and myself place your safety and the responsibility of carrying you to Miami, to your families, your vacations, your gates, at the highest level. I have no higher calling than carefully, professionally transporting you today so with that, relax and enjoy the beautiful evening that we get to fly in. We'll begin shortly [and] welcome aboard”
The normal chatter of passengers ignoring the normal safety instructions was not heard
As passengers listened intently to the pilot’s sincere calming words
A flight attendant taped on TikTok the pilot’s speech
That 6.5 million TikTok viewers it reached
© 2/4/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Jordan Day Wearing Sweets Slammed by Social Media Fashion Police For Denigrating the Sport


In the business world and in the political world to a large extent
Mark Twain’s quote “Clothes make the man” explains why to improve others’ perception more money on clothes is spent
In the political arena Senator Fetterman discards the rule except on the Senate Floor
Where he needs to wear coat and tie to get the sergeant at arms or doorkeeper to open the door
In professional sports there are clothing rules primarily linked to sponsors edicts and in golf played on elite country clubs the rules that for members exist
Why during a PGA event no matter how hot or humid the temperature is comfortable shorts the golfers must resist?
Today at Pebble Beach Jordan Day was dressed in gray sweats over a white T-shirt
Prompting howls of displeasure on social media that the proper respect for professional golf he had hurt
Jordan finished tied for 8th so his apparent casual garb did not adversely affect his play to earn $368,500 from the players’ purse
The PGA is on a crusade to entice more players to take up the game which is hindered by the pros subject to the fashion police curse
© 2/2/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Punxsutawney Phil Saw His Shadow Predicting 6 More Weeks of Winter on the 11 Anniversary of Mayor di Blasio Dropping Staten Island Chuck and Killing the Weathermarmot Mareb opping i ith e more


Today is Groundhog Day when Punxsutawney Phil appears from the ground to predict
When winter will end and humans suffering the winter chills will be warmed when the first day of Spring hits
Today before a raucous crowd of locals and tourists at Pennsylvania’s Gobbler's Knob
He saw his shadow on the ground so spring 6 weeks early residents will be robbed
He has become such a tourist attraction that other locals ape the event
With their own named ground hogs to predict when the first of spring to their locale will be sent
Staten Island Chuck: Lives in the Staten Island Zoo in New York City. Chuck is known for his accuracy, but his behavior can be unpredictable. 
General Beauregard Lee: Georgia's official weather prognosticator, Lee lives in Weathering Heights, a groundhog-sized mansion in Jackson, Georgia. 
Buckeye Chuck: Located in Marion, Ohio.
Flatiron Freddy: A stuffed groundhog in Boulder, Colorado. Freddy is carried to the Chautauqua Ranger Station by his handlers to predict the weather. 
Jimmy the Groundhog: Located in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. 
Stormy Marmot: One of the few famous groundhogs west of the Mississippi. 
Woodstock Willie: Located in Woodstock, Illinois. 
Potomac Phil: Located in Washington, DC.
In this cast of Weathermarmots who predict when spring will arrive
There was one of great fame and notoriety who sadly is no longer alive
Bill di Blasio, probably the worst and most despised ever New York City Mayor
In an attempt bolster his sinking ratings on Ground Hog Day 2014 lifted Charlotte in the role of Staten Island Chuck into the air
To better see if her shadow on the ground was there
Holding her with a weak grip
Dropping out of di Blasio’s hands she slipped
Falling hard to the ground and a week later from injuries her heart quit
Other mayors have ruined their cities like di Blasio but only one can claim
He killed New York City’s tourist attraction Staten Island Chuck to his lasting shame

© 2/2/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet



101 Freeway Blocked by Hundreds of Misguided Leftists Protesting Deportation of Illegal Aliens


Americans who have lost loved ones due to illegal alien felons are breathing a sigh of relief
In the first week ICE has been arresting over 7,000 illegal alien felons though not soon enough to prevent parents of murdered kids unbearable grief
One of the many reasons that Trump won is that Americans were sick of open borders and did not feel safe with illegal aliens’ crime
Were outraged during the Biden Harris years of lies that the border was secure time after time
Even among the most liberal Blues finding someone who does not want to deport illegal alien violent felons is very rare
Ice’s deportation raids of violent felons are for almost all of us a needed breath of fresh air
But in Blue State California where Gruesome Newsom with his super gel
Wants to Trump proof and ICE proof deportation of illegals, residents will be exposed to a never ending Hell
On Sunday morning hundreds of protestors waving Mexican flags and signs claiming “No human is illegal on stolen land”
Shut down the highly congested 101 Freeway on both lanes in a vain effort to the deportations
Rather that deport illegals when the border is not secure with an incomplete wall
Defense Secretary Hegseth is calling to send illegals arrested to Gitmo to the surge and reentries really stall
Trump has declared a National Emergency which should give states  the right to call out their National Guard to in border and citizens’ security aid
While ICE should be using social media to reach home nations to show the incarceration that awaits to reduce the parade
© 2/2/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Forget Compromise As Blues Elect Ken Martin, Who Has Claimed Trump Should Be Charged With Treason, As the Head of the DNC


If you thought that the Blues’ loss of the White House and Senate and the failure to the House majority regain
Might have caused some introspection on their losses and the tired race card, abortion one trick pony card, and misogynist card now deign
Think again as Blues have elected as their new head of the DNC a rabid political hack
Ken Martin, head of the Minnesota Blues who in one of his more vitriolic Trump attacks
Claimed that Trump should be charged with treason which carries with it the penalty of death
A most effective way of ending any chance of compromise and about as rational as a tweeker on meth
Americans are tired of the vitriol and civility lack
They want this nation to be on the solutions benefiting all track
Trump is on a role despite facing some potential bumps in the road
More importantly unlike most politicians who vow for votes but after election the vows unload
Is doing what he promised the voters if elected he would do
If Martin continues in the rut of attacking those who voted for Trump he will be dining on crow stew
Already in the Potomac collision we see that DEI kills
The passed Laken Riley Act which all parents should applaud was the first passed bill
But even on something so basic as the safety of our kids
156 Blues voted Nay on allowing us to violent illegal felons to from the nation rid
After months in captivity surpassing the time the American hostages in the Tehran Embassy spent
Trump’s involvement led to a ceasefire and American hostages beginning to  home be sent
For the sake of the nation and for the Blues we hope Martin acquires some reason
And discards and retracts any claims of Trump treason
© 1/2/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Ping Pong Diplomacy Led to Normalizing Relations Between China and the U.S. and the Game Has Kept 92 Year Old Ivan Pedley Alive and Well


China opened its doors to the Western World and the U.S. with the diplomacy of ping pong
A sport in which they excelled at a time when in relations between China and the U.S. diplomacy seemed not to belong
A chance meeting between U.S. Table Tennis player Glenn Cowan and Chinese player Zhuang Zedong at the World Table Tennis Championships in Japan in 1971 took place
On the bus the two exchanged gifts as athletes the failure to do so would bring both in the sporting world disgrace
Which was quickly followed by an invitation for the U.S. Table Team to visit China between the two teams matches play
An example of the power of sports to defuse the desire of warring parties to try to each other slay
Leading to President Nixon’s historic visit to China in 1972
Opening the door to normalizing relations between the 2
Sadly those early seeds of defusing hostilities between the 2 has not born fruit
As China has threatened Taiwan, engaged in an arms race and trade practices that were unfair and continued to our IP loot
While ping pong diplomacy did not survive for long
As a tool to extend life expectancy it still belongs
Ivan Pedley, a 92 year old retired toolmaker, plays ping pong twice a week
That he believes is the secret to a long life being able to seek
© 2/1/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

ICE Deporting the Low Hanging Fruit of Violent Criminal Illegals; Time to Plan What We Do with the Millions of Illegals Who Are Gainfully Employed and the Border Is Secure From Crossings?


The Biden shackles on ICE have been removed and the arrests of illegal criminals are proceeding at hyper speed
7,400 violent illegals Have been arrested in a week to be deported or sent to Gitmo which for safety we need
We have not yet seen the active resistance, hindering, or concealment from sanctuary cities mayors yet
As the ICE Director threatens arrest of such mayors which should cause them to taking such actions forget
But a new attempt to frustrate ICE’s duties to remove illegals from this nation
Has arisen—the ability of illegals to change their names to avoid arrest and deportation
An illegal may be able to legally change his or her name
But the fingerprints will remain the same
Instead of protecting the criminal element of illegals that reside within our borders
Mayors ought to be compiling data to show that mass removal of illegals as employees will bring economic chaos and disorder
The plan ought to be as long as an illegal is employed in a critical job that cannot with American citizens be filled, permanent resident status he or she can obtain
But if the illegal cannot support him or herself and needs welfare the right to deport will reign

© 2/1/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

A Chinese Banquet To Enjoy the Year of the Snake at Playport Mobile Home Park



Chinese Year of the Snake Banquet at Playport


Christianity vilifies the serpent or the snake whose apple biting tempting Eve
Caused God to force Adam and Eve to the Garden of Eden Leave
But the Chinese view the Year of the snake as a time of rebirth and to achieve
Cannot think of a better way to achieve the good times than to a Chinese banquet receive
For the efforts of Playport’s Social Committee we should our hands or chopsticks clap
And after sating ourselves with tasty Chinese cuisine like a good reptile retire for a nap
Each bite was a bite to savor
Our taste buds drenched in flavor
A time to break the coffee chains and sip tea
Proof positive that of all mobile home parks Playport is the place to be
Politics in Playport is frowned upon but the Year of the Snake’s last trait I must tell
Too many Blues are ranting the claim that Trump wants to be king to the public they want to sell
Ignoring the fact Trump took a bullet for democracy which if he had not turned his head we would be hearing funeral bells
It is regality, king or queen like, which if it slithers out of D.C. Trump is well aware that with the public, it will not fit well
A great kickoff to Super Bowl LIX so once again
A great thanks to our Social Committee whose great cuisine events never seem to end

©  2/1/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


President Trump Did Not Long Delay To Send to Somalia an Air Strike ISIS' Way To Kill Inspirer of New Orleans New Year's Eve Terrorist Truck Attacktwa st tt


Trump has once again proved he too can play the Whack-A-Mo against terrorists game
After if you are a terrorist and attack us, “We will find you and we will kill you,” he proclaimed
Trump announced he had ordered air strikes in Somalia against the ISIS planner who inspired the New Year’s Eve New Orleans attack
The planner and an unknown number of ISIS  fighters were killed as a payback
The good news was also that the targets were hiding in a cave
And were the only ones sent to a well-deserved early Paradise grave
The bad news is that ISIS is a weed
To destroy it killing its roots you need
Islam must confront the madrasas that espouse Radical Islam’s killing of infidels as a just cause
The idea that dying in battle against infidels or suicide sends one to Paradise with its virgins is totally flawed
One of the great challenges that the West democracies and oligarchies like Russia face
Is how to find the tools other than arms to erase from this planet Radical Islam’s infection of the human race

©  1/2/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Hakeem Jeffries Call To Fight Trump Agenda in Congress, the Courts and in the Streets Is Waters Like Call For Violent Riots


If you had any hopes that the Blues would support unity and compromise
To avoid gridlock and advance solutions people want that hope faces an early demise
Hakeem Jeffries the Minority Leader of the House Blues wants to Trump’s agenda defeat
Vowing to fight Trump in Congress, the courts and in the streets
With Maxine Waters shouting in his ear
Do not expect peaceful protests in the streets to appear
More likely than not we will see the dog whistles of violence summoning the riot dogs
Burning, looting, assaulting police and filling up the police arrest logs
Aping January 6 not at the White House urged on by FBI plants
With hundreds or thousands of rioters drowning out any peaceful rants
Hakeem must be smart enough to know that fighting in the streets
Is not a cry for only signs and chants and flowers to any National Guardsmen greet
But calling for the protests like those we endured after Floyd’s death
With lootings, burnings, and assaults on cops as a nation held its breath
Calling for violence not peaceful protest
Should be grounds to Hakeem arrest
Not because Trump and Reds want revenge or retribution
But only to enforce the rule of law that riots are not a proper solution

© 2/1/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet