Sunday, February 2, 2025

Punxsutawney Phil Saw His Shadow Predicting 6 More Weeks of Winter on the 11 Anniversary of Mayor di Blasio Dropping Staten Island Chuck and Killing the Weathermarmot Mareb opping i ith e more


Today is Groundhog Day when Punxsutawney Phil appears from the ground to predict
When winter will end and humans suffering the winter chills will be warmed when the first day of Spring hits
Today before a raucous crowd of locals and tourists at Pennsylvania’s Gobbler's Knob
He saw his shadow on the ground so spring 6 weeks early residents will be robbed
He has become such a tourist attraction that other locals ape the event
With their own named ground hogs to predict when the first of spring to their locale will be sent
Staten Island Chuck: Lives in the Staten Island Zoo in New York City. Chuck is known for his accuracy, but his behavior can be unpredictable. 
General Beauregard Lee: Georgia's official weather prognosticator, Lee lives in Weathering Heights, a groundhog-sized mansion in Jackson, Georgia. 
Buckeye Chuck: Located in Marion, Ohio.
Flatiron Freddy: A stuffed groundhog in Boulder, Colorado. Freddy is carried to the Chautauqua Ranger Station by his handlers to predict the weather. 
Jimmy the Groundhog: Located in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. 
Stormy Marmot: One of the few famous groundhogs west of the Mississippi. 
Woodstock Willie: Located in Woodstock, Illinois. 
Potomac Phil: Located in Washington, DC.
In this cast of Weathermarmots who predict when spring will arrive
There was one of great fame and notoriety who sadly is no longer alive
Bill di Blasio, probably the worst and most despised ever New York City Mayor
In an attempt bolster his sinking ratings on Ground Hog Day 2014 lifted Charlotte in the role of Staten Island Chuck into the air
To better see if her shadow on the ground was there
Holding her with a weak grip
Dropping out of di Blasio’s hands she slipped
Falling hard to the ground and a week later from injuries her heart quit
Other mayors have ruined their cities like di Blasio but only one can claim
He killed New York City’s tourist attraction Staten Island Chuck to his lasting shame

© 2/2/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet



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