Tuesday, February 4, 2025

American Airlines Pilot Calming Pre Flight Speech Before Takeoff To Miami Was Taped and Viewed by 6.5 Million


With 2 back to back aircraft disasters in the U.S.
It should come as no surprise that passengers boarding are undergoing a lot of anxiety stress
Which is probably not soothed by the flight attendants memorized list of safety features in the event of a crash
When videos of the collision over the Potomac causing the chopper and the plane to burst into flames as into the river they smashed
Or the video of the medavac Lear Jet diving straight into the ground
Killing all aboard the Lear, injuring 24 on the ground and massive fires spreading all around
The American Airlines pilot must sensed the stress of the passengers wondering why they were on this flight
Nerves causing shaking, blood pressure rising and pulse rate climbing out sight
Here’s what the non-poet pilot said to trying to the anxiety calm
That passengers would believe they were in good hands and free from deadly harm
“[You] may be fearful about flying, and that's certainly understandable, but just please know that my first officer and our flight attendants and myself place your safety and the responsibility of carrying you to Miami, to your families, your vacations, your gates, at the highest level. I have no higher calling than carefully, professionally transporting you today so with that, relax and enjoy the beautiful evening that we get to fly in. We'll begin shortly [and] welcome aboard”
The normal chatter of passengers ignoring the normal safety instructions was not heard
As passengers listened intently to the pilot’s sincere calming words
A flight attendant taped on TikTok the pilot’s speech
That 6.5 million TikTok viewers it reached
© 2/4/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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