In the U.S. more and states and the District of Columbia have
legalized marijuana’s recreational use
Studies are being undertaken to reveal brain damages when
stoners chose to abuse
Daily usage attacks the memory functions of the brain
The ability to recall facts to solve problems goes done the
With DEI and its mediocracy on its way to the trash can
Lifetime stoners trying to hurdle the “best and the brightest”
barriers are going to have difficulty in finding jobs in this land
Add to a lifetime of marijuana use starting in college or earlier
in high school
The fact that education today is failing too many who are
not learning life coping tools
To find and keep a well-paying to a family support
Instead living paycheck to paycheck going into debt and
coming up short
The news about adverse brain effects is not the end of the
gift that keeps on giving
Stoners smoking marijuana have a 25% greater chance or a
heart attack and 42% greater chance of a stroke, events which are not helpful
to stay living
© 2/4/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet
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