Saturday, February 1, 2025

Forget Compromise As Blues Elect Ken Martin, Who Has Claimed Trump Should Be Charged With Treason, As the Head of the DNC


If you thought that the Blues’ loss of the White House and Senate and the failure to the House majority regain
Might have caused some introspection on their losses and the tired race card, abortion one trick pony card, and misogynist card now deign
Think again as Blues have elected as their new head of the DNC a rabid political hack
Ken Martin, head of the Minnesota Blues who in one of his more vitriolic Trump attacks
Claimed that Trump should be charged with treason which carries with it the penalty of death
A most effective way of ending any chance of compromise and about as rational as a tweeker on meth
Americans are tired of the vitriol and civility lack
They want this nation to be on the solutions benefiting all track
Trump is on a role despite facing some potential bumps in the road
More importantly unlike most politicians who vow for votes but after election the vows unload
Is doing what he promised the voters if elected he would do
If Martin continues in the rut of attacking those who voted for Trump he will be dining on crow stew
Already in the Potomac collision we see that DEI kills
The passed Laken Riley Act which all parents should applaud was the first passed bill
But even on something so basic as the safety of our kids
156 Blues voted Nay on allowing us to violent illegal felons to from the nation rid
After months in captivity surpassing the time the American hostages in the Tehran Embassy spent
Trump’s involvement led to a ceasefire and American hostages beginning to  home be sent
For the sake of the nation and for the Blues we hope Martin acquires some reason
And discards and retracts any claims of Trump treason
© 1/2/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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