On the transgender athletics front finally a shred of sanity
has been earned
Lia Thomas a Penn transgender in her quest for Women’s Athlete of the year has
been spurned
And at female cheerleaders camp a male transgender was upset
That a girl objected to a girl with a penis was competing that she could not
The transgender was insulted and put the girl in a choke hold
The transgender was summoned and “out of camp and go home” was told
Shame on the Biden Administration for pushing the idea that “chicks with dicks”
Are allowed to compete against and shower with biological females—an idea so
Most Americans especially fathers of young girls are outraged that transgenders
can compete
No different than banning use of steroids by athletes that give them an unfair
advantage to their opponents defeat
What is amazing in the uproar of transgenders trying to compete against females
Is the silence of feminists over the fact that progress of women in sports
under Title IX will be doomed to fail
The idea of female Amazon tribes conquering men en masse
Is a discredited and discarded imyth from our early past
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