Friday, July 26, 2024

A Harris Presidency Will Mean Potential Disaster For Israel's Survival


If I were a Hamas leader I would be jumping for joy
That Americans focused only on abortion would elect a president to support for Israel destroy
Harris bowing to the pro-Palestinian mobs that from peaceful protest have shed
To like in D.C. during Netanyahu’s speech were by violence led
She mouthed that Israel had a right to itself defend
But demanded a cease fire in phases to the war end
Not one where the hostages still alive not some but all are first released
And Hamas’ rule in Gaza is ceased
Then and only then does the bombing and shelling end
And Hamas rockets and arms are destroyed and  fighters surrend
How to destroy an ideology that is based on destroyed the Israeli state
Is a real challenge but will not occur if Israel is forced to swallow a ceasefire Harris wants on their plate
Only if the leadership of Hamas is destroyed wherever they may be found
And Palestinians are aided to rule on Palestinian occupied grounds
Where are the mullahs to obtain a lasting peace who must rail
That supporting Hamas means ascent to Paradise you will fail?
And when does the civilized world agree
The fact that Iran’s support of proxy terrorists means peace we will never see?
This pariah state is far worse than South Africa in its apartheid prime
Not only terrorizes its citizens but crosses borders to spread its terrorist designs
If China wants access to the U.S. markets it needs
Obeying sanctions against Iran it must heed
Sadly, with Harris in office following the Biden Rule
We will discard any useful Iranian sanctions tool

© 7/26/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Thursday, July 25, 2024

In Charlotte, North Carolina Trump Rally Attendees Had Their Cars Towed After Parking in Dunkin Donut Lot


Trump held his first outdoor rally after being in Butler shot
But for many attendees the surprise they received was not a welcome thought
Attendees asked the manager of a Dunkin Donuts if they could park in its lot
Some to tide them over until the rally donuts were bought
Attendees told the media the manager said parking there was OK
But when the rally was over to their surprise and dismay
Their automobiles had during the rally been towed away
An expensive lesson learned—don’t listen to the manager but “No Parking” signs obey
The Secret Service minus its director who was forced to resign
Is demanding the hallmark of the Trump campaign—a rally be to indoor venues be confined

© 7/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Newsom in a Surprise Move or Publicity Stunt Announced Executive Order Soon To Remove Homelessness Encampments on Public Property


Newsom has vowed many times he will not be running to Biden replace
But he may be concerned that Harris as the most leftist ever will lose this race
So after looking at his slick haircut in the mirror
May have deduced the Blue Wall Battleground states will an “ultra-liberal like Harris fear
So to our complete and unexpected surprise
He will be announcing an executive order to in a humane way bring about homeless encampments’ demise
The Red minority in this Banana Republic State
Are claiming about time but really only publicity stunt that homelessness will not abate
If this is really representative of Newsom’s changed mind
He has to act by this Saturday or until 2028 stay behind
In politics the lesson is never say never to a run for office to be sought
But here more than likely a race in 2024 would quickly go for naught

© 7/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Having Biden Still in Office Poses Great Risk Harris Scrambling To Avoid Most Extreme Leftist Worse Than Sanders and Warren


Biden’s address to the public after his withdrawal from his reelection race
Was misleading in the extreme and his reference to saving democracy was a disgrace
Most Americans rightfully believe he was forced out in a coup
A change in government peaceful or not but something democracies should rue
The party elite with perhaps Harris in or maybe not part of the attempt
After the 1st debate the MSM could no longer conceal his impairment so by the elite viewed with contempt
If he did not withdraw the coup elite would use the 25th Amendment
To have him in disgrace from the Oval Office back to Delaware be sent
He must have been told in no uncertain terms that to govern he was no longer fit
But insisted he not resign only that from the race he had to quit
For now despite rising demands that having a cognitive impaired president puts us at great risk
We have in essence two for all intent and purposes co-presidents a concept which in our Constitution does not exist
So we are once again forced to endure the MSM lies which his courage praise
Walking almost on water as an equal of Washington while Harris millions from donors now raise
Navarro who is a co-host of the View  wants us to believe that his impairment was pure speculation and mentally he was and is just fine
While Trump and the RNC are moving quickly to Harris as the most liberal Senator and VP define
The MSM realizing she is most vulnerable as an Immigration Czar
Who never witnessed the illegal alien flood and did squat to try to illegal immigration bar
Are rewriting history with the Blue elite to her position as immigration Czar deny
But too many Biden quotes for them to successfully have voters believe that reply
She is scrambling to avoid the label of an antisemite
For her snub of Netanyahu and despite the best efforts of the IDF attacking the number of Gazans killed in the fight
The MSM will go to any lengths 24/7 to Trump discredit and his policies distort
But after 4 years of lying on Biden’s mental impairment their efforts will come up short
With their 24/7 bias and lies they have zero credible dollars left in the media rank Their deceiving support of Biden and now Harris stank

© 7/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


In Washington State 2 Person Bicycle Relay Race Top 3 Teams Had a Transgender in Place


If transgender athletes in most women’s sports are allowed to appear
All of the gains in women’s participation in sports due to Title IX will disappear
Which if you believe in equality for women this is something you should fear
Where is NOW on the issue of transgenders in women’s sports and why to only silence we hear?
In Washington State in a 2 person relay bicycle race
The top three teams each had 1 transgender in place
Women’s sports especially basketball with phenoms like Griner and Clark
With growing numbers of fans the sport now marked
If transgenders are allowed in that sport fan growth will end
Transgenders will be dunking to teams without to the cellars the standings will send
No girl in her right mind will endure the sacrifices and pain
To for several hours daily spend time to train
When a transgender in competition sends their efforts down the drain
Women like Riley Gaines must do more than just complain
They must work to elect lawmakers who will take offense
When transgenders are allowed to compete in disregard of all biologic common sense
More muscle, larger organs like heart and lungs will in favor of the transgender stack the deck
Plus many girls will be outraged to have to share showers and locker rooms with transgenders with male tools still intact and will entering sports reject

© 7/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

ABC's Motion To Quash Trump's Defamation Lawsuit Against ABC and George Stephanopoulos for Lying Trump Was Liable For Rape Denied


Finally in the war against Trump a member of the MSM crossed the line
In a contentious interview with Rep Mace in March, Stephanopoulos defamed Trump big time
Falsely lied not once but ten times that Trump had been found “liable for rape”
Trump’s lawyers immediately filed a defamation lawsuit so the consequences of Stephanopoulos’ lies he could not escape
Today a Florida Court denied a motion by ABC, owned by Disney, to quash the complaint
Trump has surely been damaged by the rape lie that has his campaign tainted
Certainly Melania and Baron Trump with the lie were not pleased
Strains on a marital and father and son relationship increased
With the facts clouded by his bias Stephanopoulos was playing fast and loose
Trump was found liable not for rape but for a different crime called “sexual abuse”
Trump does not need money a judgment may him award
But was ecstatic that the ruling may mean the MSM will to objective reporting move toward

© 7/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Russia and China Acting Together Each Sent a Pair of Bombers Near Alaska's Air Space as U.S. Jets Were Scrambled To IntercepttojetceSarisSng


If you had any doubt that Russia and China do not fear Harris as president
Expand it as Russian and China near Alaska’s airspace a pair of bombers sent
Jets were scrambled to intercept and ready to shoot all 4 planes down
But troubling that both China and Russia persist in their belief that Biden and Harris are both pushover clowns
What should keep Pentagon strategists up late at night
Are joint exercises of Russia and China ready to against the U.S. enter together a fight
It should be clear that Russia and China will not be deterred by a president who often uncontrollably cackles
That should raise in warning all the hairs of our hackles
More so than ever we must have a president who against our enemies projects strength
And in trying to deter their hostilities and those of Iran not with returning cash but with sanctions going to any length
Do not be surprised if a Harris presidency on arming Taiwan will like Biden dilly-dally
Which will be condemning this nation to be going into a dead end alley

© 7/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet