Monday, January 20, 2025

Rachel Madow Praised High Contributions to HRC and Harris But Slammed Such Donors For Now Appearing with Trump


Rache Madow with her ratings and MSNBC ratings in a downward free fall
Must be in a total snit fit and completely appalled
With Fox News beating both CNN and MSNBC combined in the ratings war
With viewers like rats jumping ship even before it reaches the safety of shore
MSNBC’s parent has made the decision to divest the news network
And Rachel Madow one of its past superstars is going berserk
Already she has taken a huge pay cut
Without NBC affiliation will its doors soon be shut?
Trump’s win which all the pundits on MSNBC thought could never occur
Was a death knell of the anti-Trump biased reporting that would a further exodus of viewers insure
As the last gasps of a network facing death for the bias it aired
Madow’s views on Silicon Valley Billionaires she felt compelled to share
We heard Madow in an over the top blistering anti-Trump wrath
That high tech and social media executives had been beating to Mar-a-Lago a path
That exploded when the likes of Bezos, Cook, Zuckerberg and others were with Trump enjoying Inauguration Day
As she melted into an outraged “How could it happen here” as for  Trump they from Blue support faded away
She conveniently forgot or praised their censorship of Trump and millions to HRC’s  campaign chests which went
For 8 years 4 of which unsuccessful and the last 4 of which were to keep Trump from being to the Oval Office sent

© 1/20/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

As Biden Last Minute Pardons His Family Members, Fauci, Gen. Milley and January 6 Committee Members Trump Proclaims January 20, 2025 as America's Day of Liberation


The pen in Trump’s hands will be more like an ink machine gun
Spewing forth his signature in rapid fashion as his second term has begun
While Biden in his last few minutes as president
To his executive pen went
Granting pardons for all Biden family members for any crimes including any not committed as of today
Like the Hunter pardon after many times promising he would not causing much dismay
And perhaps some pardons somewhat worse
The medical czar Fauci during the COVID-19 curse
And perhaps as a passing afterthought
Pardoned General Milley for his subjected the military to DEI rot
And lastly the biased members of the January 6 committee
Who revealed a Stalinist if Red you are guilty proclivity
Totally gutting the Blues Mantra in their Trump attacks
That no man even a presidential candidate is above the law and from campaigning must be sacked
A great day for America to be now known forever as “America’s Day of Liberation”|
While Biden’s last minute pardons set a terrible precedent and merit our most extreme condemnation


© 1/10/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Bass' and Newsom's Political Futures Hopefully Destroyed by the SO Cal Wildfires


Over 5703 structures in  L.A. City have been damaged or destroyed and 27 lives in the County lost
But in addition there seems to be also a well-deserved rising cost
Once a rising star of the Blues, considered by Biden as a VP and by Obama praised
But like the destroyed structures in Malibu and L.A. City her political career may have been razed
Mayor Karen Bass the first black female Los Angeles Mayor
When the fires were raging she was in Ghana not there
92,000 residents of L.A. angered by the wildfires a petition have signed
That due to her cuts of the LAFD and being MIA she should resign
Given the impossibilities L.A. residents had trying to Councilman Della La Cruz recall
She has likely dodged a voter recall no matter how much they are angered or appalled
The residents of all of L.A. County are after seeing large amounts of L.A. County burned to the ground
must believe that too much hair gel is like too much Botox damaging brain cells and making judgments unsound
Gavin Newsom may now be in the voters’ hot seat
But like the Elder recall attempt recalls for state office holders usually go do in defeat
But facing the Hobson Choice of two failed candidates in a Senate 2026 run
If Reds can find a successful tech giant CEO both he and Harris the voters will shun

© 1/20/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tik-Tok Ban in U.S. to Start Monday Unless Non-CCP Buyer Found By Monday Unless Trump Burns Political Capital and Does Not Enforce It


Tick Tock the ban not the mouse was running out the clock
Congress passed a law which SCOTUS just refused to block
Unless a non-CCP buyer of Tik-Tok in the U.S. before Monday is found
Tik-Tok in the U.S. will be shut down
If Trump does not exploit his new found High Tech Social Media Trends
To insist that a non CCP buyer is found, his support among voters may come to an end
With his mantra that he will bring back law and order to this nation
If he does not enforce the ban political capital will be spent in an unexpected conflagration
We have seen the airways swamped with ads by small businesses using Tik-Tok to expand sales
Raising the specter that if Tik-Tok is banned there is a good chance they will fail
Not sure what the cost of buying Tik-Tok U.S. would be
But its growing revenues and profits would justify a spending spree
Even though Tik-Tok is not a white knight even if CCP access to users’ data comes to an end
As 5 college students of a Christian University were arrested in its “To Catch a Predator” trend
Luring a 22 year old soldier to meet an 18 year female student at a pizza place
To be ambushed by an angry crowd that him as a pedophile abased
The lured soldier soon to be deployed to the Middle East
Coming from his grandmother’s funeral only wanted to be around happy people to help his sorrow decrease
The Tik-Tok ban is another example due to China’s quest for hegemony we face
Which dangers Trump will weaken but may not completely erase

© 1/18/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

First ABC Settled Trump Rape Conviction Suit Now CNN After $5 Million Verdict For Navy Seaman Aiding Afghans To Flee Settles Punitive Damage Amount For Unknown Amount


A bedrock of this nation’s success is the First Amendment’s guarantee of a free press
But the nation can quickly be crippled if truth and objectivity are for political purposes suppressed
If the press defames a person with lies or defames a political person or one involved in a matter of political interest with malicious intent
The defamed person may sue for defamation and the defamer not protected by the First may face many dollars to be spent
In what could have been an omen that defamation by the advocacy MSM may have reached its hide tide
ABC in December settled for $15 million Trump’s suit against Stephanopoulos claiming he had been convicted of rape so defamations based on falsities may subside
Cack News Network was sued by Zachary Young for Jake Tapper’s broadcast
That the seaman was illegally profiting from making exorbitant fees helping Afghans flee, subjecting him to Tapper’s scathing lambast
The claims of illegally and  enrichment were false and Young sued for lost income and damages to his reputation
Claiming the story was full of holes like Swiss Cheese and deserved condemnation
After an 8 day trial and a few hours of deliberation the jury agreed and awarded him $5 million in damages
Then the trial was ready for the jury to determine what amount if any of punitive damages CNN could manage
Then just before it retired to determine what amount of  punitive damages if any it should award
CNN unwilling to run the risk of  millions of dollars of punitive damages fell on its sword
Settled the punitive damages claim but the amount was suppressed
But whatever the amount it should send shock waves to the MSM advocacy press
And as to the leftist advocate “journalist” Jake Tapper
Will he be pinked slipped and flushed down crapper?

© 1/18/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Friday, January 17, 2025

Harris vows she is no going quietly in the night as 2028 presidential donors are noisy thundering herd fleeing from sight Hntwse



After the Word Salad Queen did the “Kilroy Was Here” tradition on one of her desk drawers
Pundits were speculating on the campaign trail for a political office would we see her once more
Amid the surprised chants of “MVP” from her staff
Who was turned over by her like wheat’s chaff
Cowering from oft reported Harris wrath
Would she be aping Richard Nixon’s 1962 path?
To run for governor of the Golden State in 2026
Since term limits for hyper gelled Newsom had another run nixed
She announced to the cheers in her office room
That the idea of her “going quietly into the night” was doomed
But if voters were able to be flies on her 2024 donors’ wall
The would hear he sounds of wallets and purses being closed by those who wasted hundreds of millions this fall
Not sure what Reds today in the Golden State
Would be able to her chances of winning abate
Maybe if as a Newsom clone and his failings in the So Cal wildfires
She was conflated and another Blue leftist voters would tire
Reds might have to rely on her failed record as VP
Her Word Salad answers in answering questions proclivity
And her habit of cackling like the Wicked Witch of the West
Creating in voters’ minds the insanity of voting to in her the Governor’s Office Vest
But if she ran and failed in achieving her Governor’s Office ambition
Like Nixon lashing out at the press not being able to kick him around anymore, her run would be worth the price of admission

© 1/17/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Hirono on Her Don Quixote Quest to Find Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Red Nominees


The one trick pony Blues saddle up to run against Reds is abortion
And when it comes to the actual position a Red on the issue are quick to use distortion
Mazie Hirono who sits on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Was questioning Dour Burgum, Trump’s Secretary of the Interior Nominee
Her first questions out of the box was whether as an adult he had ever committed sexual harassment or assault or asked for sexual favors
To which he answered no though probably seething over the question’s flavor
Followed by asking whether for such conduct he was disciplined or entered into a settlement
Quickly from his lips the same negative answer went
Hirono must believe that all Reds are sexual perverts
And any positive answer no matter how long ago in the past from the nominated office Senators must the person divert
Regardless of a man’s qualifications, records, or expertise
He is wrapped in a scarlet “SA” is removed from consideration and asked to leave
Blinders for her eyes and a totally closed mind
To any idea people can change for the better she is blind

© 1/15/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet