Friday, July 5, 2024

As Biden Vows He Not Going to Withdraw Greater Chance His Failing Mental Abilities Will Result in the Invocation of the 25th


As more and more cracks continue to in the Biden reelection dam appear
Biden is digging in his heels indicating in no uncertain terms he is not going to disappear
His campaign has announced it is dipping into its war chest
For a $50 million ad blitz to assure voters he can Trump in the election best
Money is the mothers’ milk of politics and if his donations start to dry up
More and more former Biden supporters now calling for him to withdraw will erupt
While the pressure to withdraw will continue to mount
As no Blue wants to be on the losing end of a presidential and down ballot rout
Voices will be heard that if he is not fit to a second term earn
Is he fit enough to govern until Inauguration Day a risk that should cause great concern?
More lapses, gaffes and stumbles will cause cries that in an unsafe world it is too dangerous to wait
Until Inauguration Day when Trump and his MAGA agenda will be stepping up to the plate
Great chance that Cackling Harris will invoke the 25th and from the Oval Office Biden send
To his Delaware Beach to spend his last days as his cognitive ability comes to a complete end
© 7/5/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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