Wednesday, July 31, 2024

FBI After 18 Days Of Toil Still Unable To Crack Encrypted E-Mails on Crooks' Cell Phone--Need Legal Process To Use Backdoor To Crack


News that should give all Americans a great deal of fear after Trump was shot
Weeks before the assassination attempt the FBI received intel of an Iranian assassination plot
Which was aided by the complete failure of the Secret Service but by the grace of God foiled
Crooks’ cell phones were seized by the FBI but for 18 days to break through the encryption it has toiled
Which means that we have not been able to encrypted online e-mails extract
Not learned who before the shooting Crooks with whom he was in contact
Encryption of cell phones is easy to obtain
For privacy and security to sustain
But encryption can be used by cartels and felons to criminal activity hide
Law enforcement needs a legal tool to enable a backdoor to override
There are privacy concerns that the FBI abuse of FISA warrants in the Russian collusion delusion has highlighted
That must be addressed but not allowing backdoors to crack encryption of criminal activity is deadly and shortsighted

© 7/31/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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