Tuesday, July 23, 2024

With Harris as the Expected Nominee She Feels She Like HRC Is Entitled To a Coronation See


As Blues are frothing at the mouth to Kamala Harris as their expected nominee praise
Blues should take a step back and probing questions raise
This total failure as the Border Czar with 10 million plus unvetted illegals now in this land
Causing urban social safety nets to be shredded out of cash the massive influx of illegals they cannot withstand
But for the first debate her alliance with the MSM to Biden’s impairment conceal
With Trump facing prison time due to his show trial Biden a win might have sealed
Each day he was in office and not removed by the 25th Amendment
Was and still is a day closer to national disaster we went
But she kept touting the Biden’s so alert, hardworking and just fine
Knowing that if elected his removal would happen in a very quick time
If Reds start examining her record and don’t insult women by her quid pro quo with Willie Brown
The bloom on the Harris Rose will soon fade and to defeat she will go down
Trump cares for this nation while Harris cares only for herself
And Vance raised in poverty knows what it’s like to have little food in the cupboard shelves
© 7/23/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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