Monday, July 1, 2024

ESPN Blasted By Pat Tillman's Mom For Award of the ESPY Award To Prince Harry


Pat Tillman must be in disbelief rolling in his grave
Thinking that ESPN wanting to grant an award named after him must be depraved
Tilman walked away from millions from the NFL to in the Rangers enlist
Committed to with the same energy on a football field the enemies of this nation resist
His career as a Ranger in Afghanistan came to a deadly friendly fire end
And an all too typical of the Army’s cover your ass trend
Engaged in a coverup on his death’s friendly fire cause
Which failed and in dishonoring his death was flawed
A statue honoring him in front of the Cardinal’s Stadium stands
A petition to have the NFL retire his number has been started by his fans
ESPN has created the ESPY Award honoring his service and connection to sports which bears his name
This year’s winner is Prince Harry for his service of 10 years and contributions to the Invictus Games
Tilman’s mother while not denigrating the Prince’s service or contribution to sports
Rightfully believes the Tillman Foundation’s award selection comes up short
Harry’s first term was assigning air strike targets from the safety of a desk looking at a computer screen
His second as an Apache pilot in support of troops on the ground, fast and nimble and hard to hit or be seen
Harry, as a Royal, probably dangerous missions would rarely get
And by not receiving the award one prays Tilman’s service and sacrifice Americans will not forget

© 7/1/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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