Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Joyless Reid Inanely Equates Biden's Covid Diagnosis with Trump Being Shot in an Assassination Attempt


This poet rightfully called MSNBC as Mostly Slanted News Biased Cack
After the Trump shooting a more scathing name it lacks
Joy less Reid after learning Biden has been diagnosed with COVID
Uttered this inane comparison to make its ratings further skid
She conflated Biden getting COVID with Trump getting shot
When it comes to objective reality she comes up naught
How can anyone professing to be a journalist equate a virus with an assassin
Unless she represents the panic in the Blue MSM that Trump is going to win
In the first debate, a stumbling, lapsing, mumbling Biden made this colossal lie
Under his watch no American service personnel died
While millions of Americans saw the flag draped coffins of the brave 13
As a bored Biden kept looking at his watch wanting to leave the arrival scene
So it should come as no great surprise
To witness a despicable journalism demise
At the RNC Gold Star families took the stage
To read the names of dead service personnel gutting Biden’s lie waged
MSNBC knowing the reading would further damage Biden’s failing campaign
Cut its coverage so Biden’s lie could still among viewers reign
Earning MSNBC an additional acronym--MSDNC
“Main Stooge—Democratic National Committee”

© 7/17/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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