Monday, July 1, 2024

AOC Losing Her Mind and Cool Threatens To File Articles of Impeachment Against Members of SCOTUS


SCOTUS in a long awaited ruling in essence told “Special Counsel” Smith to pound sand
Ruled that a President has immunity for acting in his official duties and to a lower court remand
To determine which acts Smith has charged Trump were official or not
Finally the politicization by the Biden DOJ is exposed for its overwhelming rot
In a concurring opinion Justice Thomas intoned Smith’s appointment as Special Counsel violated the law
Not being part of the DOJ yet appointed a a Special Counsel was a fatal flaw
The decision was not unanimous only 6-3
Coupled with its earlier ruling dismissing January obstruction charges the beginning of the end of show trials we may now see
As predicted after watching her melt down on the campaign stage
In support of a losing Squad Member consumed by rage
AOC was expected to be unhinged and rant and rave
Threatening to filed Articles of Impeachment in her warped mind to our Constitution save
Her rants and the drumbeat from the Blues to rein in and SCOTUS curtail
Clear more so than ever that Reds, moderate Blues and Indies insure that Trump’s election does not fail

© 7/1/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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