Wednesday, July 31, 2024

MSNBC Attacks Vance For Wanting Only White Children Oblivious To Fact He and His Indian Wife Have Three Children


MSNBC once again lives up to its name of Mostly Slanted News, Biased Cack
Hiring “journalist Molly Jong-Fast”  who launched against JD Vance an inane ad hominem attack
Claimed that his criticism of childless Blues means he only wants kids that are white
She either suffers big time from TDS Stage 4 or is lazy and not quite bright
The only way her attack can be explained
For any journalistic investigation of facts she feigned
Only in the biased minds of MSNBC
Can they only 3 white children of Vance and his Indian wife see
Usha Vance is the daughter of Indian migrants and a practicing Hindu
Who gave birth after marrying Vance so how Molly a claim of wanting only white kids construe
She should ask for forgiveness for causing 3 Vance kids any pain
For being unwanted as not being whites to support her idiotic claim
About as ludicrous as claiming Obama was not part black but because of his mother white
Or Harris is not part Indian because her father was a black Marxist she has kept out sight

© 7/31/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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