Thursday, July 25, 2024

Newsom in a Surprise Move or Publicity Stunt Announced Executive Order Soon To Remove Homelessness Encampments on Public Property


Newsom has vowed many times he will not be running to Biden replace
But he may be concerned that Harris as the most leftist ever will lose this race
So after looking at his slick haircut in the mirror
May have deduced the Blue Wall Battleground states will an “ultra-liberal like Harris fear
So to our complete and unexpected surprise
He will be announcing an executive order to in a humane way bring about homeless encampments’ demise
The Red minority in this Banana Republic State
Are claiming about time but really only publicity stunt that homelessness will not abate
If this is really representative of Newsom’s changed mind
He has to act by this Saturday or until 2028 stay behind
In politics the lesson is never say never to a run for office to be sought
But here more than likely a race in 2024 would quickly go for naught

© 7/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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