Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden Forced Out and 14 Million Primary Voters Disenfranchised as Biden Must Resign


We are so blessed as a nation that Biden has withdrawn from the campaign
But even more blessed is the fact that the shot against Trump barely missed his brain
We are so fortunate that only one candidate has withdrawn from the race
And for the other a funeral is not getting ready to take place
There is a well-respected adage that in war there are no atheists in a fox hole
After Crooks shot we can believe that God intervened so the shooter failed his goal
The left slammed those who praised God that the bullet grazed and missed
Probably because in their daily life a presence of a God is dismissed
With Biden withdrawing the next battle ground is whether he must resign or the 25th face
With has tacit acknowledgement he that if not fit in for second term not fit to remain if place
Biden and Jill must really feel so betrayed
That all the voices urging him to stay in quickly faded away
But having withdrawn for the good of the nation he must resign
Knowing in his heart of hearts revenge will be sweet as Harris quickly shows she’s ill-equipped for presidential prime time

© 7/21/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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