Thursday, July 4, 2024

Who in Congress Will Ape Senator Baker Who Convince Nixon It Was Time To Resign As Calls For Biden Increase?


Today marks on 248th Independence Day marked by growing demands that Biden from the campaign for reelection call it a day
As more and more evidence of his growing mental unfitness he continues to display
No one believes his debate performance 12 days after his last foreign trip
Or that a cold on steroids had him in a its cognitive impairment grip
Believes that those are for his disastrous performance valid explanations
While the MSM who for many years concealed his impairment are facing rising condemnation
If Biden believes his performance was merely a bad night
And not a permanent cognitive impairment blight
A man who had nothing to hide and was positive he was on the top of his cognitive game
Would be aping Trump and demanding cognitive impairment tests to prove mentally he is not lame
Instead only denial and feeble attempts to circle wagons of the faithful disappearing
Claiming it is Trump who should be before the cognitive tests be appearing
Just like Biden’s bogus clarion call that Trump is to democracy an existential threat
A failed smokescreen for the worst politicization of the FBI and DOJ against citizens we have seen yet
Where in the ranks of Congress are the equivalent voices of a Red Senator Baker who convinced Nixon he no longer had the votes
And for the good of the nation and his legacy he should resign before by and impeachment trial his presidency would be revoked?
If Biden is not fit to even begin to serve a second term his fitness to finish his first also fails
Withdraw and resign even though God help us resulting in Harris into the Oval Office it entails

© 7/4/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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