Saturday, July 20, 2024

Biden Campaign Planning 10 Campaign Fund Raising Events i July As Biden Continues To Dismiss Calls To Withdraw


Despite growing demands of an increasing numbers of Blue House and Senate members that he withdraw from the race
Biden is refusing, digging in his heels and increasing his fund raising pace
While several large Blue donors have announced not a cent more
Until ceases ignoring the withdrawal demands to their donations restore
In July the Biden campaign has scheduled 10 campaign fund raising events
Thinking that his reelection war chest will be full when to the DNC in August he went
Problem for Biden is that any appearance in public will his impairment display
Growing belief by the voters including Blues will not go away
If the fund raising events bomb as no one will want to dollars spend
On a campaign by a candidate whose winning chances have come to an end
Then more powerful than his doctors’ opinions that from a medical standpoint he should withdraw
Will be a disappointing level of cash raised, proving his cognitive ability is way too flawed

© 7/20/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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