Friday, July 19, 2024

Chris Christie Attacked By the Leftist Harpies of the View For Not Wanting To Vote For Trump or Biden or Harris


Former Governor Chris Chistie stepped into the lion’s den
On the View  he was asked by the co-hosts who he would vote for to the W.H. send
He responded he would not vote for Trump who he claimed lost his chance to unify
When he picked J.D. Vance as his running mate who Christie decried
Nor would he vote for Biden who he rightfully claimed was too impaired to the nation lead
Igniting a hornet’s nest from the hyper leftists for bailing from his civic duty to vote choosing not to heed
To the leftist women on the View he opined Harris’ performance as VP would not his vote win
Christie stood his ground against this panel of Harpies not taking the easy way out and saying he would write in
The leftist women must have thought they were in a time machine
Transported back to Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Russia if you did not vote the party line you might never again be seen
The episode was proof positive that watching the View is a waste of time
4 leftists to 1 mired in the muck of never-ending biased slime

© 7/19/ 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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