Monday, July 8, 2024

NEA President Meltsdown With a Speech Demanding Social Justice in Schools--Poster Child For Charter Schools and Freedom of Choice


If you ever wanted a reason to distrust the education aka “propaganda” in public schools
The over the top rhetoric of NEA president Becky Pringle as the epitome of public school fools
Who could care less for students to learn reading, writing and computer tools
But rather the need to learn how to swim in the social justice pools
At their convention in Philadelphia we witnessed an oration that would have filled Hitler or Mussolini with envy
As she ranted on and on in unmitigated out of touch reality frenzy
Parents listening to her
Would  realize the only failing public schools cure
Is school choice to free students from dead end schools
And charter schools not under the thumb of public school union rule

© 7/8/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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