Friday, July 26, 2024

A Harris Presidency Will Mean Potential Disaster For Israel's Survival


If I were a Hamas leader I would be jumping for joy
That Americans focused only on abortion would elect a president to support for Israel destroy
Harris bowing to the pro-Palestinian mobs that from peaceful protest have shed
To like in D.C. during Netanyahu’s speech were by violence led
She mouthed that Israel had a right to itself defend
But demanded a cease fire in phases to the war end
Not one where the hostages still alive not some but all are first released
And Hamas’ rule in Gaza is ceased
Then and only then does the bombing and shelling end
And Hamas rockets and arms are destroyed and  fighters surrend
How to destroy an ideology that is based on destroyed the Israeli state
Is a real challenge but will not occur if Israel is forced to swallow a ceasefire Harris wants on their plate
Only if the leadership of Hamas is destroyed wherever they may be found
And Palestinians are aided to rule on Palestinian occupied grounds
Where are the mullahs to obtain a lasting peace who must rail
That supporting Hamas means ascent to Paradise you will fail?
And when does the civilized world agree
The fact that Iran’s support of proxy terrorists means peace we will never see?
This pariah state is far worse than South Africa in its apartheid prime
Not only terrorizes its citizens but crosses borders to spread its terrorist designs
If China wants access to the U.S. markets it needs
Obeying sanctions against Iran it must heed
Sadly, with Harris in office following the Biden Rule
We will discard any useful Iranian sanctions tool

© 7/26/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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