BELIEVE IT OR NOT January 7,2022
World Cases: The CV pandemic across the planet continues on an increasing
basis with cases now over 301 million at 301,270,608,519 cases,
38,221,922 of which are active, 263,386,597 closed with 257,893,666
recoveries (97.91%), and nearing the 5,500,000 barrier 5,492,931 deaths (2.09%
)to continue the low trend of increased cases with increased recovery
percentages and decreased death percentages with some plateaus, dips, and
CV USA Cases: Total
cases now nearing 60 million at 59,564,116 with 16,619,075 active
cases of which 21,457 are serious or critical, (8,599 on 3/25/2021)
(back to steady decreases with upticks despite the Delta and Omicron
Variants to .129% of active cases and to decrease the reduction from the 29,271
peak on 12/31/2020 to 7,814, (serious or critical cases now reported again),
42,945,041 closures with 855,843 deaths (1.99%) and with 42,089,198 recoveries
(98.01%). Our death rate percentage is .10% lower than the world’s death rate.
Standing: On a deaths
per million population measure on a steady but slow climb to 2563 the U.S.
ranks behind Peru (6028) the new number 1 which has had a quantum leap in
deaths previously unmatched which was a change in the classification to give
Peru the a new method of reporting; Bulgaria the new number 2 (4564), Hungary
(4134), Romania (3097), Brazil (2885) which has been hit with a rapid rise
in deaths now slowing down passed by Romania, Argentina (2562), and newly added
to the list Columbia (2518), and slightly better than Belgium
(2358), Poland (2631), Mexico (2290), Italy (2299), UK (2188), Russia
(2154), Chile (2026), Spain (1920), France (1909), Ecuador newly added to
list (1867), France (1909), Portugal (1838), Bolivia
(1669), Sweden (1504) that never closed its economy down like we
did, and Switzerland (1420).
Tests: No need
to tally tests as testing programs are functioning well but the rapid tests
which the Biden Administration was caught flatfooted on the ease of
transmission of the Omicron Variant.
Vaccinations: As of 01/07/06 515.16 million doses, 1.13 million per day
over last week (2 weeks left for 75% of population to be vaccinated with
at least one shot and in California 273,904 per day (which
means at least 81% of the population of California has received at least one
shot) which many believe is necessary to develop herd immunity (other than Flip
Flop Fauci who may believe that 90% is required). In California
62,900,191 total doses have been given (85.9% of doses received to exceed
the U.S. average of 81.6%), California has not moved from 8th of the
50 states in terms of the percentage of doses administered as a percentage of
doses delivered to the states and at 66.6% of its population fully vaccinated
compared to the U.S. average of 62.4% and has moved from to 12th
tied with Oregon in terms of the percentage of the population fully
vaccinated compared to other states.
Non CV
News: Harris and Biden spoke the anniversary of the Capitol Protests
which speeches were fawned over by the MSM predictably as the oration
equivalent of the best thing as sliced bread but realistically represented
another missed opportunity for the Biden Administration to fulfill on its
promised on Inauguration Day to unify the country as Harris conflated January 6th
with Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and Biden unleashed scathing ad hominem attacks on
Trump (Blue House members dressed in black and holding candles garnished the
memorial); job numbers came in for December missing expected increased
job numbers of 400,000 by 201,000; Biden touted that his Build Back
Better program will solve inflation and allow more workers to return to the
labor force; in another glaring example of the need to fine tune stimulus
checks from the government,
it was revealed that Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, the convicted Boston Marathon Bomber had received a
stimulus check in June which a federal District Court Judge in Boston has ruled
must be used to compensate his victims; SCOTUS heard over 3 hours of oral
arguments on Biden’s vaccine mandate promulgated by OSHA for employers of more
than 100 employees (our health care system is being hit by the perfect storm as
1000’s of health care workers have been laid off due to Biden’s vaccine mandate
as infections of the Omicron virus are soaring which may have bearing on how
the court rules); Seals who view themselves as immortal and unbeatable in
dealing with 2 legged enemies found a District Court Judge who sided with them
by invoking a stay on his vaccine mandate due to lack of religion exemption; in
the Aubrey case in which the 3 defendants were convicted, the judge sentenced
Greg and Travis McMichaels to life without possibility of parole and William
Bryan who filmed the encounter and shooting to life with possibility of parole;
not sure who Biden is listening to on COVID but he is not backing down on his
claim that we can contain the virus (so far looks like the proverbial wing and
a prayer); Cuomo dodged the bullet of sexual abuse as a judge in New York
dismissed that case against leaving only a chance that the feds still
investigating the nursing home scandals with elderly residents there being
exposed to COVID and dying by the hundreds which deaths Cuomo has been alleged
to have concealed; in Catskill, New York, a man who sprayed himself with a hand
sanitizer and burst into flames after being tased in the police station house
has died after a 6 week stay in a hospital burn unit; Harris has a proclivity
for shedding staff but it looks like her new communications director Jamal
Simmons is already self-destructing surfaced where he questioned why 2 illegals
being interviewed on TV were not being deported by ICE (has to be a question
that many Americans are asking also as the surge in illegals continues
unabated); as the progressives with their armed guards continue to press to
“defund the police” or “reimagine the police,” leave it to the political
cartoonist to convey the terror and concern for safety many Americans, especially
women, have over the reality of the effect of such movements:

Gun Violence: Hey Jackass.com is alive and well to collect data to show that
through January 6, 2022, gun violence involving mostly persons of color
shooting mostly persons of color in Chicago is alive and well with 47 persons
shot of whom 9 have died while 2021 shootings numbers compared to 2020 are 4544
to 4248 and deaths are 846 compared to 797.
As always, I
hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for
this day in history, a recording link to “Cry” by Johnnie Ray and
the Four Lads, the fact that you have little tolerance for slipslop
communications, and a quote from Hassan Chalghoumi, an
imam of the Paris suburb of Drancy on the
massacre at Charlie Hebdo , secure
in the knowledge that if you want to send a gift for any memorable events
like Valentine’s Day or Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, college graduations,
birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can
provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the
event and the recipient. Please contact me for details on pricing.
1. International
Programmers’ Day—created in 2007 and also celebrated on the 236th day
of the year which is September 12th on leap years and the 13th
on non-leap years to celebrate the contributions of programmers to the economy
and our lives and to no one surprise given their propensity to hack a holiday
created on the 13th in 2009 in Russia by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
2. Distaff Day—celebrating in preindustrial days the
return of women to the workplace which involved the use of a spindle and
distaff to create threads.
3. 1952
Number 1 Song USA—the number 1 song in 1952 on this day was “Cry” by Johnnie
Ray and the Four Lads on a run of 10 weeks in that position to join 10 other
songs that achieved number 1 status. Here’s a recording of Johnny Ray and the
Four Lads “Cry”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Db-b6lQnOdw
Ray, born partially deaf, was a popular singer in the 50’s but struggled with
alcohol abuse which he was successful in hiding it from the public and quit
performing after being hospitalized for liver problems in 1989 and died from
liver failure on February 24, 1990 at the age of 63.
4. Word of the Day—the
word of the day is “slipslop” which means nonsensical talk which describes what
we hear from far too many of our leaders.
5. Near
Ground Zero Not a Place to Be—celebrating the birth on this day in
1943 of Sadako Sasaki who was 1 mile away from ground zero at Hiroshima, was
blown out of her home’s window, heavily radiated who by virtue of crafting over
1000 origami paper cranes after being hospitalized for radiation sickness
on February 24, 1955 before she died on October 25, 1955 from leukemia
induced by the radiation and was cremated with her over 1000 cranes in her
casket to become one of the more well-known hibakusha from Hiroshima.
this day in:
1927 the world became a smaller place as transatlantic phone service began
between New York and London.
b. 1973 at
a Howard Johnson’s in New Orleans, Mark Essex a former member of the Black Panthers
and rabid anti-white hater, who on New Year’s Eve had shot 3 cops, wounding 1
and killing 2 but escaped and was still at large despite a massive manhunt
entered a Howard Johnson’s and proceeded to wound 11 patrons, employees and
cops while killing 7 to finally be cornered and then cut down in a hail of 200
bullets as he emerged from his hideout shooting.
c. 1980 President Jimmy Carter signed legislation authorizing a $1.5
billion loan to bail out Chrysler Corporation.
d. 1999 the
impeachment trial for President Clinton began in the Senate; no Blues voted to
convict so he was acquitted as far less than the 2/3 vote necessary to convict.
e. 2015 2 jihadist terrorists in Paris
attacked the newspaper headquarters of Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 and
wounding 11 others for their “crime” of publishing cartoons disrespectful of
Mohammad; French authorities after a massive manhunt cornered the two who were
shot and killed 2 days later.
on the attack on Charlie Hebdo: "Their prophet is Satan. There is
no connection between the Islamic faith and this minority." – Hassan Chalghoumi, an imam of the Paris
suburb of Drancy, following the attack on Charlie Hebdo.
Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on
my twitter account below (if you like them, retweet, and follow me)
and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my
blogs—click on the links below. Go to www.alaskanpoet.blogspot.com for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in
History, poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and
poems on breaking news items of importance or go to Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.
© January 7, 2022, 2021 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet
for Hire, Poems to Admire
Extraordinaire, Beyond Compare
Unique Gift, All Recipients Receive a Lasting Lift