Thursday, July 25, 2024

ABC's Motion To Quash Trump's Defamation Lawsuit Against ABC and George Stephanopoulos for Lying Trump Was Liable For Rape Denied


Finally in the war against Trump a member of the MSM crossed the line
In a contentious interview with Rep Mace in March, Stephanopoulos defamed Trump big time
Falsely lied not once but ten times that Trump had been found “liable for rape”
Trump’s lawyers immediately filed a defamation lawsuit so the consequences of Stephanopoulos’ lies he could not escape
Today a Florida Court denied a motion by ABC, owned by Disney, to quash the complaint
Trump has surely been damaged by the rape lie that has his campaign tainted
Certainly Melania and Baron Trump with the lie were not pleased
Strains on a marital and father and son relationship increased
With the facts clouded by his bias Stephanopoulos was playing fast and loose
Trump was found liable not for rape but for a different crime called “sexual abuse”
Trump does not need money a judgment may him award
But was ecstatic that the ruling may mean the MSM will to objective reporting move toward

© 7/25/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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