Monday, January 20, 2025

Rachel Madow Praised High Contributions to HRC and Harris But Slammed Such Donors For Now Appearing with Trump


Rache Madow with her ratings and MSNBC ratings in a downward free fall
Must be in a total snit fit and completely appalled
With Fox News beating both CNN and MSNBC combined in the ratings war
With viewers like rats jumping ship even before it reaches the safety of shore
MSNBC’s parent has made the decision to divest the news network
And Rachel Madow one of its past superstars is going berserk
Already she has taken a huge pay cut
Without NBC affiliation will its doors soon be shut?
Trump’s win which all the pundits on MSNBC thought could never occur
Was a death knell of the anti-Trump biased reporting that would a further exodus of viewers insure
As the last gasps of a network facing death for the bias it aired
Madow’s views on Silicon Valley Billionaires she felt compelled to share
We heard Madow in an over the top blistering anti-Trump wrath
That high tech and social media executives had been beating to Mar-a-Lago a path
That exploded when the likes of Bezos, Cook, Zuckerberg and others were with Trump enjoying Inauguration Day
As she melted into an outraged “How could it happen here” as for  Trump they from Blue support faded away
She conveniently forgot or praised their censorship of Trump and millions to HRC’s  campaign chests which went
For 8 years 4 of which unsuccessful and the last 4 of which were to keep Trump from being to the Oval Office sent

© 1/20/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

As Biden Last Minute Pardons His Family Members, Fauci, Gen. Milley and January 6 Committee Members Trump Proclaims January 20, 2025 as America's Day of Liberation


The pen in Trump’s hands will be more like an ink machine gun
Spewing forth his signature in rapid fashion as his second term has begun
While Biden in his last few minutes as president
To his executive pen went
Granting pardons for all Biden family members for any crimes including any not committed as of today
Like the Hunter pardon after many times promising he would not causing much dismay
And perhaps some pardons somewhat worse
The medical czar Fauci during the COVID-19 curse
And perhaps as a passing afterthought
Pardoned General Milley for his subjected the military to DEI rot
And lastly the biased members of the January 6 committee
Who revealed a Stalinist if Red you are guilty proclivity
Totally gutting the Blues Mantra in their Trump attacks
That no man even a presidential candidate is above the law and from campaigning must be sacked
A great day for America to be now known forever as “America’s Day of Liberation”|
While Biden’s last minute pardons set a terrible precedent and merit our most extreme condemnation


© 1/10/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Bass' and Newsom's Political Futures Hopefully Destroyed by the SO Cal Wildfires


Over 5703 structures in  L.A. City have been damaged or destroyed and 27 lives in the County lost
But in addition there seems to be also a well-deserved rising cost
Once a rising star of the Blues, considered by Biden as a VP and by Obama praised
But like the destroyed structures in Malibu and L.A. City her political career may have been razed
Mayor Karen Bass the first black female Los Angeles Mayor
When the fires were raging she was in Ghana not there
92,000 residents of L.A. angered by the wildfires a petition have signed
That due to her cuts of the LAFD and being MIA she should resign
Given the impossibilities L.A. residents had trying to Councilman Della La Cruz recall
She has likely dodged a voter recall no matter how much they are angered or appalled
The residents of all of L.A. County are after seeing large amounts of L.A. County burned to the ground
must believe that too much hair gel is like too much Botox damaging brain cells and making judgments unsound
Gavin Newsom may now be in the voters’ hot seat
But like the Elder recall attempt recalls for state office holders usually go do in defeat
But facing the Hobson Choice of two failed candidates in a Senate 2026 run
If Reds can find a successful tech giant CEO both he and Harris the voters will shun

© 1/20/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Tik-Tok Ban in U.S. to Start Monday Unless Non-CCP Buyer Found By Monday Unless Trump Burns Political Capital and Does Not Enforce It


Tick Tock the ban not the mouse was running out the clock
Congress passed a law which SCOTUS just refused to block
Unless a non-CCP buyer of Tik-Tok in the U.S. before Monday is found
Tik-Tok in the U.S. will be shut down
If Trump does not exploit his new found High Tech Social Media Trends
To insist that a non CCP buyer is found, his support among voters may come to an end
With his mantra that he will bring back law and order to this nation
If he does not enforce the ban political capital will be spent in an unexpected conflagration
We have seen the airways swamped with ads by small businesses using Tik-Tok to expand sales
Raising the specter that if Tik-Tok is banned there is a good chance they will fail
Not sure what the cost of buying Tik-Tok U.S. would be
But its growing revenues and profits would justify a spending spree
Even though Tik-Tok is not a white knight even if CCP access to users’ data comes to an end
As 5 college students of a Christian University were arrested in its “To Catch a Predator” trend
Luring a 22 year old soldier to meet an 18 year female student at a pizza place
To be ambushed by an angry crowd that him as a pedophile abased
The lured soldier soon to be deployed to the Middle East
Coming from his grandmother’s funeral only wanted to be around happy people to help his sorrow decrease
The Tik-Tok ban is another example due to China’s quest for hegemony we face
Which dangers Trump will weaken but may not completely erase

© 1/18/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

First ABC Settled Trump Rape Conviction Suit Now CNN After $5 Million Verdict For Navy Seaman Aiding Afghans To Flee Settles Punitive Damage Amount For Unknown Amount


A bedrock of this nation’s success is the First Amendment’s guarantee of a free press
But the nation can quickly be crippled if truth and objectivity are for political purposes suppressed
If the press defames a person with lies or defames a political person or one involved in a matter of political interest with malicious intent
The defamed person may sue for defamation and the defamer not protected by the First may face many dollars to be spent
In what could have been an omen that defamation by the advocacy MSM may have reached its hide tide
ABC in December settled for $15 million Trump’s suit against Stephanopoulos claiming he had been convicted of rape so defamations based on falsities may subside
Cack News Network was sued by Zachary Young for Jake Tapper’s broadcast
That the seaman was illegally profiting from making exorbitant fees helping Afghans flee, subjecting him to Tapper’s scathing lambast
The claims of illegally and  enrichment were false and Young sued for lost income and damages to his reputation
Claiming the story was full of holes like Swiss Cheese and deserved condemnation
After an 8 day trial and a few hours of deliberation the jury agreed and awarded him $5 million in damages
Then the trial was ready for the jury to determine what amount if any of punitive damages CNN could manage
Then just before it retired to determine what amount of  punitive damages if any it should award
CNN unwilling to run the risk of  millions of dollars of punitive damages fell on its sword
Settled the punitive damages claim but the amount was suppressed
But whatever the amount it should send shock waves to the MSM advocacy press
And as to the leftist advocate “journalist” Jake Tapper
Will he be pinked slipped and flushed down crapper?

© 1/18/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Friday, January 17, 2025

Harris vows she is no going quietly in the night as 2028 presidential donors are noisy thundering herd fleeing from sight Hntwse



After the Word Salad Queen did the “Kilroy Was Here” tradition on one of her desk drawers
Pundits were speculating on the campaign trail for a political office would we see her once more
Amid the surprised chants of “MVP” from her staff
Who was turned over by her like wheat’s chaff
Cowering from oft reported Harris wrath
Would she be aping Richard Nixon’s 1962 path?
To run for governor of the Golden State in 2026
Since term limits for hyper gelled Newsom had another run nixed
She announced to the cheers in her office room
That the idea of her “going quietly into the night” was doomed
But if voters were able to be flies on her 2024 donors’ wall
The would hear he sounds of wallets and purses being closed by those who wasted hundreds of millions this fall
Not sure what Reds today in the Golden State
Would be able to her chances of winning abate
Maybe if as a Newsom clone and his failings in the So Cal wildfires
She was conflated and another Blue leftist voters would tire
Reds might have to rely on her failed record as VP
Her Word Salad answers in answering questions proclivity
And her habit of cackling like the Wicked Witch of the West
Creating in voters’ minds the insanity of voting to in her the Governor’s Office Vest
But if she ran and failed in achieving her Governor’s Office ambition
Like Nixon lashing out at the press not being able to kick him around anymore, her run would be worth the price of admission

© 1/17/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Hirono on Her Don Quixote Quest to Find Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Red Nominees


The one trick pony Blues saddle up to run against Reds is abortion
And when it comes to the actual position a Red on the issue are quick to use distortion
Mazie Hirono who sits on the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Was questioning Dour Burgum, Trump’s Secretary of the Interior Nominee
Her first questions out of the box was whether as an adult he had ever committed sexual harassment or assault or asked for sexual favors
To which he answered no though probably seething over the question’s flavor
Followed by asking whether for such conduct he was disciplined or entered into a settlement
Quickly from his lips the same negative answer went
Hirono must believe that all Reds are sexual perverts
And any positive answer no matter how long ago in the past from the nominated office Senators must the person divert
Regardless of a man’s qualifications, records, or expertise
He is wrapped in a scarlet “SA” is removed from consideration and asked to leave
Blinders for her eyes and a totally closed mind
To any idea people can change for the better she is blind

© 1/15/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Newsom, Bass and Their Climate Change Warriors Trying to Avoid Blame Due to Climate Change


As certain as the fact that the Sun in East rises and in the West sets
In any natural disaster the Green Warriors sound the alarm of Climate Change we must never forget
The SoCal wildfires probably to worst we have ever seen and were so hard with the winds to contain
Were not due to any governmental failures but our Mediterranean Climate that Climate Change
deprived of rain
Blame Climate Change that given the rest of the world’s especially India and China’s emission
Is impossible in the short term to put into any sense of remission
But humans in the fire displayed a lot of fault
Mayor Bass cut the LAFD budget by $17 million which hindered its ability to the fires assault
To prioritize the homeless and to insure the LAPD is ruled by DEI
Which as 25 bodies are proof positive  that it causes people to die
Governor Newsom or as he is known in hair salons as “Governor Gel Slick”
Lost his Teflon as blame for a needed reservoir in the Palisades off line for almost a year sticks
From the ashes of the Palisades and Altadena the litigation Phoenix will arise
SoCal for failing to deenergize and LADWP for failing to repair Santa Ynez will be seeing BK Chapter 11  and 9 to avoid demise

© 1/16/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

AG Nominee Pam Bondi Shreds Lying Schiff and Will End Politicization of the DOJ and Dumb Blonde Jokes


At the AG confirmation hearings before the Senate Judicial Committee
Viewers depending on their party were either pleased or outraged to see
That the AG nominee Pam Bondi is an intelligent breath of objective fresh air
So far removed from the stench of political bias from Merrick Garland to compare
New California Senator, Lying Schiff, only the 3rd House Member to be censured for lies,
Was questioning Bondi on blanket pardons of January 6 protestors that she would not look at the files and then Trump defy
Bondi cut him down to his pathetic lying size
Reminding all of his censure and suggesting he focus on California’s violent crime on the rise
Anyone watching would be pleased that jokes about dumb blondes will be coming to an end
This highly intelligent nominee promising to end politicization of the DOJ will to the trash heap such jokes send

© 1/15/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Trump's "All Hell to Pay If Hostages Not Released by Inauguration" Tipped the Hamas Refusal Scales to Agree to Ceasefire and Hostage Release Deal/gio


It is often said, “Success has a 1000 fathers and failure is an orphan”
After Biden announced the Hamas Israeli Ceasefire deal he was asked if for it Trump deserved a credit  portion
As he stumbled off the stage Biden responded, “Was that a joke?”
With a possible ceasefire and hostage release his only foreign policy success to share he was quick to Trump’s involvement revoke
Either vindictive or also more likely could not remember an almost identical deal proposed in May
Hamas was very quick to respond with a very definitive nay
And clearly Biden must have missed
Or worse immediately dismissed
President-Elect Trump’s warning that if the hostages are not released by his Inauguration Day
In the Middle East and for Hamas “there will be Hell to pay”
And like a masterful negotiator what Hell would look like he would not say
Hamas like the mullahs of Iran not wanting to face Reagan wanted to hold Hell upon them at bay
So we have an agreement which may or may not be signed and even more problematic by Hamas be observed
As Netanyahu is already claiming Hamas cannot refrain from violating its provisions but a large part of the credit for its creation Trump still deserves
© 1/15/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

AOC Ripped for Her Inane False Tirade Against the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act by Riley Gaines


A typical Texas rebuke is that someone is “all hat and no cattle”
A person of no action and only words of no substance that rattle
Clear describing one who would lose in any battles
In describing AOC after her  Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act inane prattle
“Only a pretty face and a brain too lazy to read”
After her tirade against the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act that genital exams girl athletes would need
Riley Gaines on the other hand has a brain to go with her pretty face
And not a shred of being too lazy to read the words on the bill in place
AOC’s false claim of an exam requirement is a complete disgrace
All she has in speaking is ability to pause with the right hands’ gestures to compliment the expressions of her face
But any truth in the words that spew from her lips
Have long since before utterance been clipped
If she spoke German or was named Orwell
A perfect mimic for Goebbels or Animal Farm’s “All animals are equal but some are more equal” try to sell
Riley Gaines is becoming more and more like Horatio at the bridge preventing the barbaric leftists trying to cross
Dedicated after all the gains in women’s sports due to Title IX to prevent from transgenders in women’s sport their total loss

© 1/15/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Reverse Racist on Mace Provoking a "Take It Outside by Mace


Jasmine Crockett is a reverse racist with a lying biased mouth that most of us would want to sock it
On a discussion of TG rights was conflating the race care that should remain in a referee’s pocket
Calling Mace a child for objecting ion TG’s competing in women’s sports
That prompted from Mace a “let’s take outside retort”
Racist Crockett should be castigated for her departure of acceptable House member behavior
And Mace though justified  deeded a more diplomatic response to Crockett’s racist remarks to show her disfavor
No one would want to see the equivalent of the beating path of Sumner by Brooks
But Crockett should be censured for inciting Mace to a Brooks path took

© 1/14/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


In Behar's Twisted Biased Mind the Over 77 Million Who Voted For Trump Are Not Patriots


Joy Behar like so many biased progressive Blues cannot accept the simple fact that Trump won in 2024
Her mind so poisoned by anyone who voted for Trump is a voter that Elite Blues must deplore
Not only deplore but claim that the voter is not a patriot
So far only condemning but not yet demanding they be lined up against a wall and shot
Woe to anyone who at Trump’s Inauguration practices their artistic craft
For he or she will be exposed to this has been’s inane wrath
It’s hard not to feel empathy for someone so by biased consumed
Living in a world without joy crippled by increasing gloom
A great mystery that the 4 leftists on The View’ are able to attract any viewers
With their over the top stuck record of bias that belongs in the sewers
Listening to Behar, Hostin, Goldberg and Navarro their vitriol spew
Should drive anyone with a rational mind to click off The View

© 1/14/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Confirmation Hearings For Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh Deja Vu For Pete Hegseth


Pete Hegseth, a decorated Army combat Vet nominated to be Secretary of Defense,  by Blue Senators on the Armed Service Committee being raked over the coals
Over denied personal failings in the past and views on qualifications of women to serve in combat roles
Every Blue seems to have forgotten Christ’s clear command
That anyone without sin should cast the first stone near their hands
Wanting to crucify anyone who as a young man partied in excess
Or who after combat missions drinking to relieve some serious stress
But who then suited up weapons in hand
And then went forth to defeat the enemies of this land
Senator Mullin castigated fellow Blue Senators for being drunk when casting votes
Proof positive that the chances of finding an individual without earlier transgressions is very likely remote
Hirono however takes the cake for her misguided attacks
Asking him if Trump ordered the military to seize Greenland would he lead or refuse and fight back
Any understanding of how the military functions she totally lacked
Never disclose plans of operations so your foe can be prepared to react
His concern over women in combat was not that they could not preform
Only that standards would be lowered for women below a required survivability norm
What the hearings reveal if the defaming questioning of Hegseth is the norm
Is that Blues cannot accept that Harris lost and Trump must be denied his nominees he needs to have his accepted policies performed
© 1/14/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

House Passes Passes Protection of Women and Girls In Sports Act With 2 Blues in Support to Go to the Senate to Face a Likely Blue Filibuster Which All Blue Female Senators Should Vote to End


With the passage of Title IX women’s sports from K-12 through college have flourished
No longer relegated to second rate facilities and scholarships and funding now nourished
The fear that athletic programs for football which funds so many sports
Would be decimated due to loss of funds to women’s sports has come up short
For example TV viewers of NCAA women’s basketball Tournament Championship game outnumbered the number of viewers for the men’s by over 4 million viewers
But the progress made in women’s sports due to the Blue Progressives to allow biological men portrayed as transgenders compete will toss those gains into the sewer
The Blues cannot accept the fact that gender is biologic not a matter of feeling
And allowing TG’s with more muscle and larger organs in too many cases have biologic females athletes reeling
In 2023 not a single Blue in the House voted for the Protection of Women and Girls In Sports Act which was passed in the House and sent to the Senate where Schumer blocked any discussion or vote
Now the Act was passed by the House with all Reds voting for it and in a minor crack in the dam 2 Blues voting yes but in the Senate ending a Blue filibuster is likely remote
Any Senator who is a female or a male who has daughters or granddaughters engaged in sports who votes against the Act
Should face the strongest condemnation and voter campaign to take his or her seat back
And female Senators like Hirono noted for requiring appointees to toe the women’s equality path
If they vote against it should really feel the voters’ wrath

© 1/14/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Monday, January 13, 2025

Winds Are Returning Sparking Fears the Remaining Fires Will Again Rapidly in Wildfires the Costliest in California Ever


The good news on the wildfires in So Cal is that only 3 are no longer contained
The bad news is that hurricane wind gusts are returning to uncontainment again reign
The expected news like the Paradise fires of years ago is a utility company is facing litigation
SoCal Edison in the Eaton Canyon Fire failed to deenergize its power lines leading to the conflagration
Anyone with an IQ higher than room temp knows that when winds topple trees
Across power lines the acts create sparks leading to fires that soon are burning free
The litigation spawned in the Paradise Fire crippled PG&E
And forced it to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy
With thousands of structures destroyed, thousands of lives disrupted by evacuations and 24 lives lost, the wildfires have become more costly
Trying to find a silver lining in these disasters
Maybe that DEI in the LAFD and the LADPW are no longer masters
With their leaders rising to incompetence to face resignation or termination
And two real political culprits Newsom and Bass subject to scathing voter condemnation
Musk as usual hit the nail squarely on its head
Adopt policies driven by DEI and people become dead
© 1/13/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Sanctuary Cities Do Not Make Residents Safer and Foster illegal Aliens' Violent Crime


Massachusetts is doomed to have 8 sanctuary cities where illegals can breathe sighs of relief
That if jailed ICE will not be summoned so they will avoid deportation grief
Boston and Chelsea are among 8 sanctuary cities near the city of Revere which is not
In Revere if an illegal commits a crime ICE assistance will be sought
The rationale of sanctuary cities is to encourage illegals being victims of crime
To contact the police instead of being silent fearing deportation as criminal activities  climb
But the truth of the matter
As illegals’ safety by criminal activity is shattered
Is that a violent criminal who is an illegal on a crime spree
In a sanctuary city can post bail or serve time without notice to ICE to then go free
Trump has made it a priority number one to secure the border
And to deport violent criminals to bring back cities where residents can enjoy law and order
Boston and Chelsea have already indicated they will not with ICE cooperate
Ignore detainers to not release illegals so efforts to keep communities safe they will negate
Revere on the other hand after arresting an illegal in a migrant shelter with a $1 million of fentanyl and an AR-15
Notified ICE as soon as his immigration status was determined and who arrested the illegal as they quickly arrived on scene
But the arrest has caused sanctuary cities with migrant shelters to search for drugs and weapons illegally possessed
But still not the idiocy of having sanctuary city status being addressed
Blue Mayor Wu of Boston is the poster mayor for the sanctuary cities fostering illegal alien violent crime
When do the citizens of Boston come to their senses and vote this idiot out next election time?

© 1/13/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Don Lemon Can't End His Profane Rants Against Trump Voters and Persons Not Willing to Endure Scorched Earth Against Trump wwie


When Don Lemon opens his mouth rant against Trump in profanity so absurd
Clear evidence that terminal TDS Stage 4 has morphed his cranial neurons able to spout only profane words
Once described like the auto after leaving the lot would break down before going far
Don Lemon has degenerated into depravity demanding against Trump scorched Earth to all civility bar
Unloaded on Obama for being civil at a memorial service for Jimmy Carter
Delusionally thinking in the political realm compared to Trump voters he is much smarter
The Scarborough’s of Morning Joe  incurred his profane wrath
For travelling to Trump on the  visit Mar-a-Lago path
If Peter, Paul and Mary were all still alive and performing today
These words from a modified Lemon Tree would come our way
“Lemon tree, believes he’s very wise, and the lemon rants believed will Trump voters defeat
But the rants of the inane lemon are too rotten to digest and too profane for voters’ ears to greet.”
If Lemon has any friends or future employers left after his profane anti-Trump attacks
Hopefully they can advise him to seek professional help to try to get some semblance of sanity back

© 1/13/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Super Scooper Fighting So Cal Wildfires Was Hit by Idiotic Drone Operator in Restricted Airspace[r

With wildfires raging in So Cal it is critical when the winds are not blowing in hurricane force
To have fire fighting assets in the air and keep flying objects away from their water or retardant dropping course
The FAA  designates airspace above or near the wildfires as no fly restricted airspace
Since without air assets fighting a fast moving fire is like a boxer with one arm behind his back tied in place
Only drones from law enforcement or first responders are in that airspace allowed to fly
On Thursday while fighting the wildfires with a Super Scooper in restricted airspace was hit by a drone but did not fall out of the sky
Was able to land safety with a huge hole in a wing but protocol demands all aerial assets must then leave
For 30 minutes allowing the wildfires resume their spreading after some containment had been achieved
The FBI is earnestly searching for the owner of the drone who faces fines and prison for his crime
And who should lose any rights to own or fly a drone for a long period of time
Fortunately no one was injured or died
And the Super Scooper was able to return to the fire fight in the sky

 Here is a photo of the hole in the Super Scooper's wing
Hopefully someone knowing the owner will notify the FBI to the drone operator to justice bring
© 1/12/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

With Cadaver Dogs Now in the Search 24 Deaths Now Confirmed in the So Cal Wildfire and 26,000 Have Registered with FEMA


The So Cal wildfires remain as the deadly gift that keeps on giving
With cadaver dogs now in the search 24 persons now have ceased to be among the living
Sadly given the speed the fires advanced and the people who evacuation chose to delay
Too often it became too late to leave as the flames, smoke and ash sped in their way
The L.A. sheriff sadly believes that the death toll will continue to rise
As the speed the wildfires advanced to the dead victims’ fatal surprise
26,000 have already registered for FEMA aid, a number which will also grow
Given the value of many of the homes destroyed the amount of claims will be to FEMA’s budget a death blow
Congress will be under great pressure to quickly appropriate more funds to rebuild
Raising the issue of whether mansions in excess of median home prices will be able to recover all costs billed
And also the will the owners who either could not obtain insurance or chose to go bare
Be subject to limitations on the amounts of funds FEMA has to share?
Will some of the red tape encountered in building new homes be waived
Or will inspectors on cost adding restrictions not be forced to cave?
Environmentalists in the state who have fought adding new reservoirs tooth and nail
Hopefully will have lost the high ground in their opposition and blocking more reservoirs will fail

©  1/12/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Ridley’s Believe It Or Not April 4, 2021

          CV World Cases: The CV pandemic across the planet continues the new year with cases now over 132 million at 132,293,589  cases (126,652,389 on 3/25,2021), 22,891,916 which are active, 109,401,673 closed (104,851,468 on 3/25,2021) with 106,531,480 (102,073,196 on 3,25/2021) recoveries (97.38% and 97.35% on 3/25/2021) and 2,870,193 (2,778,272 deaths (2.62% and 2.65% yesterday) to continue the trend of increased cases with increased recovery percentages and decreased death percentages with some plateaus.

           CV USA Cases: Total cases now over 31 million at 31,471,399 (30,874,323 on 3/25/2021) with 6,898,479 active cases (7,019,302 on 3/25/2021 active cases of which 8,722 (8,599 on 3/25/2021) (.13% of active cases and with slight increase of 3/25/2021 and now a decrease of 20,549 from a peak of 29,271 on December 31) are in serious or critical condition, 24,572,920 (23,825,021 on 3/25/2021), closed, with  569,039 (561,030 on 3/25/2021) deaths (2.32% and 2.35% on 3/25/2021) and with 24,003,881 (23,263,991 on 3/25/2021) recoveries (97.68% and 97.65 on 3/25/2021) yesterday). Our death rate percentage continues to improve and after many months is now .30% lower than the world rate and now .10% lower than Canada which has the socialized type medicine Biden may well want to implement here but at least has approved 4 vaccines as opposed to our 3  and on a deaths per million population measurement on a steady climb to 1712 ranks behind Hungary the new number 1 (2274), Belgium (1993), Bulgaria (1967), (1993), UK (1861) which had passed us despite leading world in testing), and  Italy (1843),  and only slightly worse than Portugal (1660), Spain (1620), Peru (1587),  Mexico (1571), France (1482), Brazil (1551), Poland (1455), Sweden (1330) that never closed its economy down like we did but has recently been experiencing a steady rise in  deaths, Argentina (1235), Switzerland (1190), Chile (1231), and Bolivia (1045). We have now conducted 410,359,109 tests (now at 1,234,260/M) compared to number 2 now France at 1,030,731/M) as we are conducting more tests in number and on a per capital basis for all nations (other than those nations that contain small populations like Bahrain, Denmark, Israel, Malta, Singapore and UAE) other than the U.K. which remains as king of the mountain with respect to tests at 1,871,876/M.

          CV Open Gate: Lost in the pronouncements by Biden and his lackeys that there is no crisis of illegals surging across the border is that fact that COVID-19 is alive and well and spreading in the Northern Triangle and Mexico which is 9th on my list of deaths from the pandemic at 1571/M and the 3 countries in the Northern Triangle in terms of active cases and deaths per million are as follows even though the data may be suspect as underreported:

          Guatemala:  Active cases:     8,592      Deaths/M 379
          Honduras:     Active cases: 112,614      Deaths/M 463
          El Salvador:   Active cases:       761       Deaths/M 312   

          US Vaccinations: As of 4/5/2021 167 million doses have been given, 3.05 million per day in the last week (sounds impressive but if the rate does not increase it will take us now reduced to some 3 months to have 75% of the population vaccinated which many believe is necessary to develop herd immunity. In California 20,309,146 total doses have been given (80.2% of doses received to almost equal the U.S. average of 80.4%), but with the pressure of a certain recall coming endangering Newsom, California has is tied with 2 other states at 29th out of 50 in terms of the percentage of doses administered as a percentage of doses delivered to the states and at 18.1%% of its population fully vaccinated has moved up from 41st to 40th of  41st 50 states in terms of percentage of population fully vaccinated in terms of percentage of residents vaccinated. A long way to go to get herd immunity and lagging behind in terms of getting vaccines received into arms and percentage of population vaccinated compared to other states and a great reason to recall this inept governor.
         Non CV Case News:   The unbeaten season for Gonzaga came to an end as Baylor beat them 86-70 to win its first NCAA Championship; the MLB All Star Game which was  supposed to be played in Atlanta and was moved because of false claims of voter suppression in the new Georgia voter election law and will now be played in Denver at Coors Field (fortunately the PC Woke Warriors must have been told by the PGA to pound sand as the Masters in Augusta, Georgia will tee off starting this Thursday and leftist CBS must have found some spine as it will broadcast the event); the move out of Atlanta of the game will have an adverse economic impact of $100 million and wanna-be governor Stacy Abrams must be eating crow and Psaki today seemed to waffle on the issue of whether Biden supported the move as she indicated Biden supported MLB rights to make the decision not whether he supported it; on The View McCain and Goldberg got into a spat over the hypocrisy of the MLB doing business with a Communist Party company that dropped Houston Rockets NBA games because its GM supported a Hong Kong prodemocracy movement; in a tale of two polls, Biden is getting a 73 % approval rating over his handling of the CV pandemic but on immigration and the border security he is receiving 56% and 55% disapproval ratings respectively; the Cack Biased System was spreading it thick on “60 Minutes” for deceptively deleting Governor De Santis’ response to the charge that he allowed 2 pharmacy outlets to vaccinate for COVID-19 in exchange for a campaign contribution; Stelter at the Cack News Network was in true Helter Skelter mode after obsessing for 4 years over any Pinocchio’s received by Trump, made no mention on the 4 Pinocchio’s received by Biden over his  false characterization of the Georgia election law reforms; Harris our new immigration czar has gone MIA probably due to more pressing concerns over furnishing of her new residence; backers of a recall effort for L.A. DA Gascon have formally started the process and have started the 160 day clock to obtain 580,000 signatures of registered voters to place a recall on the ballot; as MLB guzzles the Woke propaganda on Georgia’s new election laws, leave it to the political cartoonist to capture their drunken Woke binge: foxnews /politics/cartoons-slideshow.
           Chicago Gun Violence: is back to show that through April 4, 2021,  gun violence involving mostly persons of color shooting persons of color in Chicago is alive and well with 784 persons shot of whom 144 have died.

           As always, I hope you enjoy today’s holidays and observances, factoids of interest for this day in history, a musical link to “Tequila” by The Champs, your behavior is free from rannygazoo acts and a quote from General Mark Clark on the benefits of the CCC, secure in the knowledge that if you want to send a gift for any memorable events like Mother’s Day, college graduations, birthdays, weddings, or anniversaries, you know that the Alaskanpoet can provide you with a unique customized poem at a great price tailored to the event and the recipient. Please contact me for the details on the pricing.

         1. National Flash Drive Day—created by USB Direct in 2018 and celebrated on this day since 2019 to commemorate those handy devices to store and save data.
White House East Egg Roll—created by President Rutherford B. Hayes on April 22, 1878 and celebrated on the Monday after Easter on the South Lawn or in the White House with some brief interruptions due to wars or renovations and sadly a victim of COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021.

         3. 1958 Number One Song—the number 1 song in 1958 on this day with a run of 5 weeks in that position was “Tequila” by The Champs to share number 1 status with 17 other songs that year.  Here is a recording of “Tequila “ by The Champs appearing on American Bandstand, hosted by a very young looking Dick Clark:  The Champs were a rock and roll band, Chicano rock and Tex-Mex ha band active from 1957-1965 and resurrected by Dave Burgess in 2020 with different members; the band was named after Gene Autrey’s horse Champion and the song was a Side B record that sold over a million copies.

         4. Word of the Day—today’s word of the day is “rannygazoo” which means foolish nonsense which describes to a tee the bulk of what we hear coming out of the Swamp.

          5. No Higher Devotion—celebrating the birth on this day in 1981 of Michael W. Mansoor, a Medal of Honor Winner Navy Seal, who threw himself on a grenade tossed by an insurgent that landed near him and some fellow Seals and Iraqi soldiers on a rooftop in Ramadi on September 29, 2006 killing him but saving from death and injury those near the exploding grenade.

          On this day in:

           a. 1933 as The Great Depression was gathering momentum President Roosevelt signed 2 Executive Orders, 6101 and 6102 creating the Civilian Conservation Corps and banning the possession of Gold Coin, Gold Bullion and Gold Certificates by U.S. citizens.

          b. 1956 Fidel Castro declared he was at war with Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista, who, with Castro’s rebel army approaching Havana, fled the country on January 1, 1959.

          c. 1969 two days of protests and parades against the Vietnam War began in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Washington, D.C. and several other cities.
         d. 1985 Atlantic Southeast Airlines Flight 1311, an EMB 120, crashed near Brunswick, Georgia, killing all 23 aboard, including former Senator John Tower and Space Shuttle astronaut Sonny Carter.

          e. 1999 in an example that the wheels of justice move albeit slowly sometimes as 2 Libyans are handed over for trial in the Netherlands for the bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988 of Pan Am Flight 103 that killed all 270 aboard.

          Reflections on the Civilian Conservation Corps: “In my way of thinking, the CCC was a monumental success in saving the youth of the 1930’s…endowing the individual CCC enrollee with a feeling of dignity, for he was giving his Country an honorable and worthwhile return for what it was doing for him and for his family economically-such a stark contrast to the shameful, character-robbing Welfare Programs on today.” General Mark W. Clark

           Please enjoy the poems on events of interest on my twitter   account below (if you like them, retweet and follow me) and follow my blogs. Always good, incisive and entertaining poems on my blogs—click on the links below. Go to for Ridley’s Believe It Or Not—This Day in History,  poems to inspire, touch, emote, elate and enjoy and poems on breaking news items of importance or go to  Ridley's Believe It Or Not for just This Day in History.

 © April 5, 2021 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Alaskanpoet for Hire, Poems to Admire

Poet Extraordinaire, Beyond Compare

A Unique Gift, All Recipients to Receive a Lasting Gift


Along with the Thousands of Structures Destroyed in Sc Cal Wildfires DEI Is Also Finally Beginning to Go Up in Flames


We all mourn and have compassion and empathy for the thousands of structures in the SoCal wildfires that have been destroyed
And the thousands of workers whose employers were burned to the ground and are now unemployed
And the 16 who died when the flames, smoke and ash they could not escape
As TV videos revealed in the wildfire areas almost a nuclear war resulting landscape
Politicians like Newsom and Bass are becoming the targets of the increasing fingers of blame
For cutting firefighting budgets making it much harder to successfully fight the flames
Now another failed institution is taking a mortal hit
Before the fires DEI in L.A.’s government was alive and well and now its proponents are slammed if from power they do not demit
Musk hit the nail as he usually does squarely on its head
DEI really means people subject to it will be DEI dead
The head of the LAFD promoted DEI but to save her tarnished reputation
Is now blaming Bass for Bass’ budget cuts for the current wildfires’ conflagration
The head of the LADPW was appointed to her position because in approaching issues she could use “equity lenses” to direct where the department should incur expenses
People shocked with such DEI bias should not be surprised
FEMA workers during Helene and Milton were told to damaged homes with Trump signs to pass them by
Fortunately the nation is waking up for the need to hire the brightest and the best
DEI programs in higher education and larger corporations are beginning to their DEI programs arrest
The inane march to ram DEI down our throats is beginning to slow
But as the So Cal wildfires revealed we still have a long way to go
© 1/12/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet



Saturday, January 11, 2025

The Winds Are Back and Containment Slows and the Areas Burning and the Destruction By Fire Grows


Just when firefighters were beginning to the raging wildfires contain as the winds paused
By Saturday they were back with a vengeance creating unwanted shock and awe
Leaving over 12,300 homes and buildings destroyed and 11 dead in their wake
Helicopters and planes are dropping thousands of gallons of water and fire retardant on the advancing paths the fires take
More California National Guardsman are arriving on scene to provide security in areas subject to evacuation
Looters and burglars in evacuated areas are being arrested without hesitation
A 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. curfew is now in effect
Anger over the perceived tepid response of Newsom and Bass and the firefighting budget cuts they chose to select
Businesses not burned to the ground like Disney, Space X and the NFL are filling up the donation of funds and services well
Neighbors in the fire zones are coming to the aid of burned out neighbors in deep distress from this fiery Hell
The estimates of the costs of the fire damage total at least $150 billion and rising by the hour
As more and more structures and infrastructure are destroyed by the raging wildfires’ power
Rebuilding will not be easy and will take years of time
While elected and appointed officials’ lack of preparation seem to look like crimes
Newsom’s and Bass’ political aspirations by the wildfires like so many structures may have been burned to the ground
Musk advising Gavin to spend less time with his hair gel and L.A.’s residents call for Bass to resign increasingly abound

© 1/11/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Blue Celebs Losing Their Homes in L.A. County Should Point the Finger of Blame at Blue Politicians and Support Reds


My mother always used to tell me to try to find a silver lining in any personal disaster
Wise advice that helped me any difficulties encountered to master
When it comes to voting most celebrities usually vote Blue and where their donations went
And also endorsing Blue candidates or performing at campaign fundraising event
During the raging L.A. County learned that wealth or celebrity status did not loss of home prevent
But Woke programs and DEI focus at fire departments
Part of the blame for the fires were to Blue politicians sent
Now matter how much wealth a celebrity has earned
The loss of irreplaceable memories, photos and mementos when a fire has burned
Is so tragic that a celebrity now homeless celebrity  will be forced to ask
Why did Blue politicians fail in keeping citizens safe in their number one task?
Instead DEI and Woke fueled by fears of climate change
Hopefully will celebs donations and political beliefs rearrange
At a tremendous cost that insurance may not make a homeowner whole
Celebs losing their homes may shift to supporting MAGA goals

© 1/11/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Friday, January 10, 2025

HRC and Harris Are 2 Flawed Peas in a Pod but Harris Wanting to Be Governor Is Lying Insurance Companies Are Cancelling Policies In the Wildfire Zone


We have had two female presidential candidates who share a common trait
Both went down to defeat despite all manner of help from MSM and celebs as their fate
Both had negative views by voters for dishonesty, obstruction and Oval Office entitlement by HRC
And for Harris too often word salads and cackles and nothing but good vibes for the voters to see
At least HRC has no further political aspirations as she struggles to save her relevancy Attacking Trump and worse his voters while claiming her loss was due to FBI Director Comey
Harris is keeping a lower profile but looks like she will ape Nixon after his loss to JFK
To run for governor in a very Blue Golden State and if she wins the Blue primary no Red will be able to stand in her way
Her likely opponent Mayor Bass of L.A. may be wounded mortally by the L.A. wildfires
With her LAFD budget cuts trapped in the pointed fingers of blame mire
Harris is like the leopard who cannot change spots
Any respect and adherence for the truth she quickly drops
Has falsely claimed that insurance companies are cancelling policies for any home owners damaged by the fires making claims
When she should know that cancelling a policy during its term can only occur due to nonpayment or fraud not due to the wildfire flames
Worse for her credibility, the California Insurance Commissioner has imposed a one year moratorium against nonrenewal of policies in the wildfire zone
Will the MSM call out her lies so she can no longer in trying to be relevant the lies of cancellations intone?
HRC and Harris both before and after are like two peas in a pod
Both with character and policies that for the mainstream are flawed

© 1/10/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Neighbors Donating Funds and Helping Out While Others Loot Evacuated Homes As Newsom and Bass Cuts Leave Fire Prevention and Containment High and Dry


Charles Dickens wrote a classic novel A Tale of Two Cities
Of Paris where aristocrats were guillotined in the French Revolution without pity
And of London where the Industrial Revolution was advancing by leaps and bounds
In L.A. County ravaged by destructive wildfires we are learning of two neighborhoods
That represent the best and the worst of humanity that is easy or impossible to be understood
The best is found in neighbors taking in the new homeless whose homes and been burnt to the ground
Or those donating to the Red Cross and valid Go Fund Me Accounts and companies donating meals to fire fighters that now abound
But sadly the worst is found among looters entering evacuated homes and fire scammers creating invalid Go Fund Me Accounts to any funds received abscond
But even worst of the worse are the politicians wasting money on programs of Woke and DEI
But cutting funds from fire departments and fire prevent projects leaving them  like many hydrants in L.A. County high and dry
Mayor Bass is being raked over the embers and ash
For from the LAFD weeks prior to the fire imposing a $17.6 million budget slash
Along with prior mayors and city councils who prioritized funding for the homeless
Causing thousands of homes to be destroyed adding thousands to those facing homeless stress
Gavin Newsom who was castigated by Trump during his first term for his lack of efforts in wildfire prevention
Is in the spotlight again for cutting over $100 million from fire prevention funds and meriting rightful condemnation
While both are arguing now is not the time to point the fingers of blame
They bear a good deal of responsibility for the widespread damage caused by the wildfire flames

© 1/10/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

As the L.A. County Raging Wild Fires Are Slowly Being Contained, Time Not to Point Fingers of Blame But Start Building New Reservoirs For Enough Water to Fight the Next Massive Wildfire


Photos of parts the Pacific Palisades, Altadena and Malibu look like Hiroshima after the A-Bomb had been dropped by the Enola Gay
Structure after structure burnt to the ground leaving nothing but rubble of any building that stood in the raging wildfires’ way
Hurricane force winds, low humidity and high temps
Hindered and overwhelmed the outnumbered firefighters’ containment attempts
Planes and helicopters used to drop fire retardant chemicals from the sky
Due to safety concerns caused by the CAT 1 hurricane gusts meant they could not fly
With burning embers flying over firefighters’ heads meant new fires would be quickly found
Next to impossible to fight a quick windblown moving fire with only fire equipment on the ground
But another factor came into play that brought firefighting efforts almost to a halt
In many areas the fire hydrants would not deliver enough water to the fires successfully assault
As the fires remained uncontained and through expensive neighborhoods raged
Newsom was blasted by Trump and the L.A. Mayor
In Africa was castigated while L.A. was in flames for her being there
Trump railed against Newsom for diverting water in the North for the smelt and Chinook
But Newsom’s Achilles Heel is despite a voter approved proposition in 2014 to build more reservoirs any construction he has forsook
The worst fires in Los Angeles County we have ever endured
As we have a “residential water system” that prevents adequate water in times of massive fires to be procured
Before the next big So Cal fire we may have time to complete the Sites Reservoir after a decade of delay
For California the destructive results of wildfires and earthquakes are here to stay
Politicians should heed and act on this advice—end the finger pointing blame
And come up with solutions to prevent the occurrence of another uncontainable wildfire’s flames

© 1/10/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Like Steven McCrosky in Airplane Picking the Wrong Week to End Vices, Bass Picked Wrong Week to Be in Africa on L.A. Business As Wild Fires Raged


In the movie Airplane, Steven McCrosky, the Chicago Air Traffic Controller, by Lloyd Bridges played
Has the task of trying to get a flight whose captain and co-pilot have become incapacitated by food poisoning from eating inflight fish filets
Ted Striker, played by Robert Hayes, was a passenger who was a pilot in the war but drove his squadron to crash into the ground killing 6 and the rest spared
Is drafted to fly the plane after the captain and copilot are incapacitated to land at O’Hare
One mishap after another occurs on the plane and in the tower while McCrosky his problems with talking the plane down shares
He laments he picked the wrong week to quit smoking and drinking and sniffing glue
While trying to build up Striker’s confidence as the plane he flew
Mayor Karen Bass like McCrosky picked the wrong week to on city business to Africa fly
While staying there initially to confer by long distance phones as embers and ash continued to blot out the sky
But worse for the firefighters overwhelmed by the fires
In the annual budget weeks prior
Cut the LAFD’s budget by 17 million dollars to the LAFD’s dismay
Crippling its ability to fight the uncontained fires soon to be coming its way
With funds for homeless dwarfing the LAFD yet half of the money for homeless went unspent
Imagine the uses of more millions to raging wildfires now being fought used to wildfires prevent

© 1/8/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Threat of Tariffs on Mexican Exports to the U.S. of 25 % Forcing Mexico to Disperse Illegals and Should Be Wakeup Call to Hamas There Will Be Hell to Pay If Hostages Not Released


Trump has drawn on illegal immigration a Red Line in the sand
Coupled with tariffs of 25% on Mexico’s exports to us if Mexico on illegals crossing from Mexico into our land
Does not the tidal wave of illegals from Mexico or from other nations traveling through Mexico turn back
Unlike the Obama Red Line in the sand on Syria’s chemical WMD, Trump is serious and with tariffs the surge of illegals will attack
Mexico appears to believe that Trump is like Teddy Roosevelt with a big stick but softly speak
And is now receptive given potential tariffs to closing its border to illegals who crossing into the U.S. in caravans seek
What we may be seeing is a déjà vu of Reagan and the end of the hostages from the American Embassy in Tehran
The Ayatollah and his band of Islamists were not prepared to the wrath of the Wild West Cowboy Reagan attempt to withstand
The news is that Mexico is dispersing illegals in caravans back to places far from our border
Including to a former tourist crown jewel Acapulco still suffering from Hurricane Otis and ruled by the cartels with the highest homicide rate and lack of law and order
Not sure how long Mexican “cooperation” on blocking illegals will last
But with tariffs as a Sword of Damocles and depriving the cartels of fees paid by illegals may spur Mexico’s blocking illegals to holdfast
And the few remaining Hamas leaders hiding in tunnels to their lives try to save
Hearing Trump warning that if the hostages are not released there will be Hell to pay, they may on holding them cave

©  1/8/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

The Getty Villa Art Museum, an Iconic Cultural Landmark Survived the Pacific Palisades Fire While Adjacent Buildings Were Heavily Damaged


Art lovers in So Cal were breathing a sigh of relief
The Getty Villa Art Museum in Malibu in the path of the Pacific Palisades wildfire was spared any fire damage causing grief
Saved by an ongoing vigorous and continuing brush removal crusade
And onsite water storage and an irrigations system to the adjacent trees and land soak to the fire to the Villa evade
Double walled construction for the galleries and state of the air filtration for the galleries and library archives to prevent destructive smoke attacks
Which given the destruction of the surrounding buildings proof that such buildings such protective measures and practices lacked
The Getty Villa success in not being burnt to the ground should be subject to intense review
To see what measures can be required for future wildfires that without doubt will ensue
The good news is that the Villa’s sister museum the Getty Center is still out of the fire danger zone
And with the winds starting to die down, time to ape the Villa’s defenses so future fire damage to a museum icon we will not have to bemoan
Newsom has called out the California National Guard that has experience in the wildfire fights
Who will help in bringing containment and extinguishment to our fire fighters’ sights

© 1/8/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet  

Biden Finally Admits in Interview With USA Today That It Was Not Guaranteed That He Could Finish His Second Term gwawfinally


After years of his staff, cabinet leaders, VP Harris and Blue leaders in Congress
Assuring the American people that Biden was physically and mentally up to the task to handle the Oval Office demands and stress
Biden in an interview USA Today in an legacy saving attempt finally confessed
That although he was certain he would beat Trump as to the certainty of his completing his second term he could not say yes
Claimed despite his abysmal debate performance that launched the Blues' coup
At 85 or 86 he could not guarantee a full term he would fulfill
Biden in running in 2020 assured the nation
He was a one term nation unifying salvation
A promise he quickly dumped to then Trump and those who voted for him attack
And when Trump announced he was going to run to take the Oval Office back
Biden blew the dog whistles of lawfare to try to prevent Trump from winning or even being on the ballot in 2024
Which due to his failures on the border and with raging inflation chose to ignore
Biden must have known he was mentally fading fast
Should have been concerned the 25th would be invoked to his first term no longer last
Shame on him for putting this nation through a coup
Then endorsing Harris who was a certain losing candidate for the BluesMaybe “Edith” Wilson Biden
also deserves a good share of blame
Who lost her better judgment to conceal his impairment due to love of flying Air Force 1 plane

© 1/8/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

2 More Wildfires Added to the 3 Wildfires Burning in So Cal and Not Contained


After posting my blog about the 3 raging wildfires in the County of L.A.
I opened up Fox News on the internet to see if any containment was displayed
Hoping the firefighters were making progress on the wildfire Whack-A-Mo game
Instead of being put out and contained
2 more areas in So Cal are going up in flames
The Tyler Fire in Riverside County and the Woodley Fire in L.A. in today’s early morning hours have joined the list of fires that need to be tamed
Over 30,000 people have had to evacuate
Some abandoning vehicles and running for their lives to the approaching fires escape
Over 200,000 residents are without power a number along with evacuations that should grow
The devastating forecast that for at least another day hurricane force winds will continue to blow
These are fires that make no distinction among their victims’ houses being burnt to the ground
Regardless of residents’ wealth or fame their cries of woe as  their homes in the path of the flames are drowned out by the howling wind sounds
The only good news so far from the raging wildfire scenes
Is that so far no deaths only some injuries from the wildfires have we seen
When the wildfires are finally put down for the count and the hot spots and embers put out
We need a concerted effort to learn how to build and where to build homes so in future fires they are not added to the homes destroyed count

© 1/8/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

3 Wildfires in L.A. County Fanned by Hurrican Winds and Low Humidity Are Uncontained and Growing Fires in


So Cal is being hit today and yesterday with a triple wildfire threat
3 raging wildfires with absolutely no chance of containment yet
Low humidity, extremely dry trees and brush and howling winds like CAT 1 Hurricanes
Firefighters working 24/7 with growing numbers of hydrants with low water pressure and little or no chance of rain
Growing fires in Eaton Canyon, Sylmar and Pacific Palisades
Sending ash and embers into the skies turning them into Dante’s Hades
Biden was in So Cal to name 2 National Monuments and prevent more federal lands from being subject to the oil drilling bit parade
But instead of meeting with firefighting officials and local leaders to insure federal aid
Or showing empathy and compassion meeting with homeowners of homes that could not the fires evade
He flew back on Air Force 1 to hopefully the nation address
And light a fire under FEMA to reduce the homeowners and firefighters distress
Do not be surprised if Trump starts a Go Fund Me Account for those whose homes have been lost
Creating a fund to help those pay some of the noninsured costs
Homeowners anywhere near a wildfire zone
Should expect large premium increases to insure against fire their homes
And the building industry needs to explore using more nonflammable materials to slow down the spread of wild fires
And cities and counties must on removal of brush more effective measures require
© 1/8/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Monday, January 6, 2025

"Justice" Trudeau Announced Retirement Effective on a New Leader of the Liberal Party Being Selected


The misnamed Canadian Prime Minister “Justice” Trudeau
Facing a growing revolt from Liberal Party that it is time for him to go
Has announced his resignation effective upon a selection of a new Liberal Party Leader
With his popularity falling like a stone, astute enough to know that in an October election he would meet the electoral grim reaper
Too much inflation, too much woke and too much criticism of Trump and his idea for Canada becoming the 51st State
Like buying Greenland from Denmark or taking back the Panama Canal due to Chinese and Russian incursions Trump is thinking of bold ideas heaped on a very large plate
Trump intones that most Canadians would like to become a 51st State
They certainly would have more freedoms that are in our Constitution enshrined
Lower taxes, better health care, and no tariffs for goods sent to the U.S. the sellers would find|
If accomplished this could be a mutual win-win
An energy powerhouse and a more secure Arctic Border lynchpin
Statehood to Canada would be a long haul
That many obstacles to the process might befall
With Quebec still remaining a province by a slender thread
Difficulties of having French an official language may kill a statehood deal before it moves very far ahead
But Trump to his credit keeps thinking for solutions out of the box
Free from the crippling infections of DEI and Woke pox

© 1/6/2026 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Biden Seems to Have Found His Dementia Cure with Executive Orders Blocking Trump's Energy Plans

To the dismay of Trump and Reds our mentally impaired President Biden seems have found his dementia cure
To mentally and physically energize him while at the same time erecting a roadblock to Trump’s energy policies delay and deter
Today Biden signed an Executive Order that would ban future drilling for oil and natural gas on 625 million acres of ocean lands on our coastline
Under the 1953 Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act 
Which would require Congressional Action for the ban to retract
A District Court in 2019 ruled that Trump didn’t have the right to end Obama drilling bans
Since Trump lost the election in 2020 an appeal was not pursued to see if the order  would an appeal withstand
If the Reds can craft legislation as part of budget reconciliation needing only a simple majority vote
And it is passed in both the Senate and the House the chance of energy independence and inflation reduction are no longer remote
Trump has to be hoping there are no other executive orders to retract must be approved by Congress
Ere implementing the MAGA Agenda voted for in 2024 will be causing a lot of distress
And instructing his legal transition team to explore on Biden’s 14 days that still remain
To explore preemptive judicial strikes to send further leftist executive actions down the drain

 1/6/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Too Many Cities Are Refusing to Allow Their Police Cooperating With ICE Detainer Requests Putting Citizens at Risk


If you live in one of 8 cities in the Bay Colony that have elected to become a “sanctuary city”
And fearful for your safety since law enforcement must ignore detainer requests and release illegals, you may consider forming a vigilance committee
To monitor the release of illegals, informing ICE so they can be arrested before they choose to commit another criminal act
After serving time with the feds to their country of origin sent back
Doubtful most Americans want to return to the days of the Wild West
With not enough sheriffs and cops with badges on their chests
While citizens today with semi-automatic guns with large clips are armed to the hilt
And the streets and public places overflowing with blood guilt
Until the number of illegals crossing the border drops to zero near
Merely deporting illegals will not solve the problem as they again will soon again in this nation reappear

© 1/6/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Saturday, January 4, 2025

71 Year Old Woman Taking NYC Subway to Church Attacked by 4 Female Teens Who Failed in Robbery Attempt and Fled


When it comes to subway safety in the Big Apple, it is rotten to the core
For those who cannot afford a limo service or Uber or Lyft riding the subway is like playing Russian Roulette with death or assault in store
In a span of just a few days a homeless woman died from a previously deported illegal lighting her on fire
A man waiting for his train was pushed onto the tracks and by some miracle did not expire
A 71 year old woman on her way to church was attacked by four black female teens
With passers by ignoring her cries for help she fought back causing the young thugs caught on camera to flee from the attempted robbery scene
While the undermanned NYPD is overwhelmed by violent criminals who with impunity attack
Knowing the cops are not there and after Bragg’s inane failed prosecution of Daniel Penny any potential Good Sam will hold back
If the thin blue line of the NYPD is so demoralized by the lack of prosecution of criminals by Bragg and far too thin
Anyone forced to ride subways to work, school or shopping will have to be packing to prevent his or her trip ending in a hospital or into a coffin being placed in
Hochul who is tone deaf to the safety needs of NYC residents
Should be forced to ride the subways without armed guards in order for law enforcement to be bolstered to violent attacks prevent
© 1/4/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

The Stalinesque Show Trial Brought by Biased D.A. Bragg Will Come to an End on January 10, 2025 When Mershan Sentences Trump So the Appeals That Will Overturn the Verdict Can Be Filed



The Stalinesque Show trial engineered by a biased D.A. Bragg and presided over by the likes of a Nazi People’s Court Judge Mershan is coming to an end on January 10, 2025
At which time Mershan will sentence Trump so his lawyers can appeal a verdict that almost every legal expert has opined will not an appeal survive
Doubtful that Mershan will sentence Trump to any prison time and any supervised probation would of a sitting president be highly problematic
The anti-Trumpers infected with terminal TDS Stage 4 will not be ecstatic
As they to a person want Trump as president behind bars
While most Americans think Mershan should be removed from the bench and Bragg disbarred
While taxpayers in New York City already swimming in a sea of red ink due to illegal alien outlays
Will be outraged over the dollars spent on the show trial that should have been dismissed not prolonged for too many days
Governor Hochul if she had any common sense and political savvy should order Bragg to pack his bags
When it comes to New Yorkers’ safety his focus on criminals’ rights and comforts means criminal prosecution has lagged
Hopefully the Blues will run a law and order D.A. so Bragg does not the 2025 primary survive
And if he does a Red candidate backed by Trump and his MAGA success agenda will cause Bragg’s campaign to crash dive
© 1/4/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Wounded in 2024 DEI Programs in Schools, Business and Government in 2025 Will No Longer Survive


The Blues’ adherence to DEI might have an overwhelming acceptance chance
If DEI stood for “Dependability, Excellence and Intelligence” to meritocracy advance
Instead it stands for “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” color and biologic and affirming gender rules
With quality and amount of output no longer measuring tools
And positions are awarded to insure the population distribution they mirror
While needed skills to perform the positions have disappeared
Where we search for the brightest and the best
Who can with flying colors pass any job performance tests
Left with persons whose ribbons and not that they won first, second or third place
But they only participated in the start but not the finish of the seeking to fulfill the position race
Leaving us with leaders whose main trait is mediocracy trying to the best and brightest defeat
Crippling us in our efforts to them beat

© 1/2/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


Sugar Bowl Sponsor Allstate Urges Us to Overcome Our Addiction of Divisiveness and Negativity and Peoples' Imperfections and Differences Accept


Allstate Insurance Company promotes its policies by claiming “You are in good hands”
But when it comes to promoting the nation’s safety their heads are buried deep in the sands
Allstate is a corporate sponsor of the Sugar Bowl held in New Orleans
Which was postponed a day following the Bourbon Street New Year’s Day terrorist scene
With officials scrambling with the terrorist killed by the cops
To his truck killing and maiming bringing to a final stop
But unsure if he acted alone or was part of radicalized terrorist cell
Determined to turn New Orleans into for visitors and residents a deadly Hell
First the FBI intoned the killings and maimings were not a terrorist attack
But after social media postings and an ISIS flag in his truck ran that observation back
Tom Wilson, CEO of Allstate, probably relieved the Sugar Bowl Game would be subject to only a one day delay
After a prayer for the victims and their families had these sick observations to say
“We must overcome our addiction to divisiveness and negativity…peoples' imperfections and differences accept”
A news flash to Wilson as Allstate policy holders cancel their policies over his inane observations
We will never accept Radical Islamists’ slaughter and maiming of innocents that merit only our strongest condemnation

© 1/2/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet