Trump has drawn on illegal immigration a Red Line in the
Coupled with tariffs of 25% on Mexico’s exports to us if Mexico
on illegals crossing from Mexico into our land
Does not the tidal wave of illegals from Mexico or from
other nations traveling through Mexico turn back
Unlike the Obama Red Line in the sand on Syria’s chemical
WMD, Trump is serious and with tariffs the surge of illegals will attack
Mexico appears to believe that Trump is like Teddy Roosevelt
with a big stick but softly speak
And is now receptive given potential tariffs to closing its
border to illegals who crossing into the U.S. in caravans seek
What we may be seeing is a déjà vu of Reagan and the end of
the hostages from the American Embassy in Tehran
The Ayatollah and his band of Islamists were not prepared to
the wrath of the Wild West Cowboy Reagan attempt to withstand
The news is that Mexico is dispersing illegals in caravans
back to places far from our border
Including to a former tourist crown jewel Acapulco still
suffering from Hurricane Otis and ruled by the cartels with the highest
homicide rate and lack of law and order
Not sure how long Mexican “cooperation” on blocking illegals
will last
But with tariffs as a Sword of Damocles and depriving the
cartels of fees paid by illegals may spur Mexico’s blocking illegals to
And the few remaining Hamas leaders hiding in tunnels to their
lives try to save
Hearing Trump warning that if the hostages are not released
there will be Hell to pay, they may on holding them cave
© 1/8/2024 Michael P.
Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet
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