Friday, January 10, 2025

HRC and Harris Are 2 Flawed Peas in a Pod but Harris Wanting to Be Governor Is Lying Insurance Companies Are Cancelling Policies In the Wildfire Zone


We have had two female presidential candidates who share a common trait
Both went down to defeat despite all manner of help from MSM and celebs as their fate
Both had negative views by voters for dishonesty, obstruction and Oval Office entitlement by HRC
And for Harris too often word salads and cackles and nothing but good vibes for the voters to see
At least HRC has no further political aspirations as she struggles to save her relevancy Attacking Trump and worse his voters while claiming her loss was due to FBI Director Comey
Harris is keeping a lower profile but looks like she will ape Nixon after his loss to JFK
To run for governor in a very Blue Golden State and if she wins the Blue primary no Red will be able to stand in her way
Her likely opponent Mayor Bass of L.A. may be wounded mortally by the L.A. wildfires
With her LAFD budget cuts trapped in the pointed fingers of blame mire
Harris is like the leopard who cannot change spots
Any respect and adherence for the truth she quickly drops
Has falsely claimed that insurance companies are cancelling policies for any home owners damaged by the fires making claims
When she should know that cancelling a policy during its term can only occur due to nonpayment or fraud not due to the wildfire flames
Worse for her credibility, the California Insurance Commissioner has imposed a one year moratorium against nonrenewal of policies in the wildfire zone
Will the MSM call out her lies so she can no longer in trying to be relevant the lies of cancellations intone?
HRC and Harris both before and after are like two peas in a pod
Both with character and policies that for the mainstream are flawed

© 1/10/2025 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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