Monday, July 29, 2024

Maduro reelected in a fraudulent election and will not take prisoners released back


In Manhattan one of the gang of thugs who brutally attacked NYPD cops
Has pled guilty and will serve in jail a year—a slap on the wrist that will not hinder or attacks stop
Despite the fact that NYC is a sanctuary city the police union is demanding he be deported when his sentence is complete
But if this violent thug is from Venezuela any attempts to fly him back to Venezuela Maduro will defeat
No wonder in a rally speech Trump intoned Caracas once deadly is safe as safe could be
As Maduro has emptied his jails and prisons and sent them to the U.S. to impair our safety
He will not take them back, not let them land
What do we do, tow them on a boat and release them in international waters pointed toward Venezuelan sands
What an absolute mess!
Maybe it’s time to regime change address

© 7/29/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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