Sunday, July 28, 2024

MSM and Blues Trying To Rebrand Harris as a Mainstream Moderate Pro Israel, Secure Border, Pro Law and Order, and Pro Economy Which She Is Certainly Not


The rebranding of Kamala Harris by Blues and the MSM
24/7 fueled by $200 million in donations to prevent her past to condemn
Voters are being asked to fall for her being an effective prosecutor hype
As she claims to have prosecuted sex abusers and con men so she knows the Trump type
When her main claim to prosecutorial fame is to send nickel and dime black weed sellers to jail
And threaten parents with criminal sanctions if curbing truancy they failed
Named by Biden as his “Border Czar” to the root causes of migration determine and bar
Who aside from a trip to Central America never came to the Rio Grande and lied to us the border was secure when it was wide open not just ajar
When the nation was ripped apart by MSM “peaceful protests” over the death Floyd
She was raising money for the rioters for bail to jail before trial avoid
On one side of her mouth intoning that Israel had a right to itself defend
While ranting the Israel’s war in Gaza to eliminate Hamas must come to an end
Her true beliefs were exposed when as Senate President from a Joint Session fled
To give a campaign speech at a black sorority instead
It is wisely said that a leopard never changes its spot
This woman who makes Sanders and Warren seem on the right is fully infected with radical leftist thought
Bragging that she was joined at the hip with Biden to his disastrous policies support
So branded very, very deep with inflation, crime, and open borders on her card to report
A one trick abortion pony including late term on demand
Which overwhelming numbers of Americans oppose in this land

© 7/28/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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