Friday, July 19, 2024

Biden's Inflationary Student Debt Bailout Plan Shot Down By 8th Circuit Court of Appeals


In the war on inflation other than the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act
Biden has continued to increase spending and failed to inflation attack
With Biden’s fiscal policy spending money like a drunken sailor on a high class spending spree
Leaving the Fed to be the sole attacker with higher interest rates that have created all manner of economic pain on Americans we see
Fortunately AG’s of Red states have refused to go AWOL in the fight
Allowing students to walk away from their debts is not right
Attacking in court Biden’s executive order implementing a student loan bailout
A federal district court ruled a portion of the plan illegal and the 8th Circuit made it a complete rout
Students who borrowed billions to finance degrees that were job finding dead-ends
Enticed by student financial offices that had no risk and were quick to student loan applications send
Students who paid off their loans were outraged that holders of worthless degrees clamored for a free ride
Refusing to play by the rules and making payments abide
A small step in slaying the inflation dragon that’s killing financially too many Americans
With Biden trying for years to kick down the road the growing debt can

© 7/18/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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