Wednesday, July 17, 2024

To Replace Bye Bye Birdie with Blues Playing Bye Bye Biden


In 1960-61 the Tony Award for Best Musical was Bye Bye Birdie
Lovers of musicals flocked to it on stage to see
It was created based on the drafting of Elvis Presley
Who after a live concert from adoring teeny-boppers would flee
Another musical with instruments being added to each day
Looks like it is ready for the orchestra to play
The musical will be called Bye Bye Biden and not based on his draft
But rather on the need for him to withdraw from the campaign path
He won the delegates in the primaries surrounded by walls erected by the MSM and DNC
To insure that other credible candidates the Blue voters would never see
Any discussion of Biden’s mental impairment was slammed shut
The MSM became de facto members of the Biden campaign team to the idea of a free and independent press corrupt
After the first debate the MSM and Blue leaders could no longer his impairment conceal
So now 65% of Blue voters want Biden to withdraw the latest poll reveals
Adam Schiff has come out of the support Biden closet to demand
He needs to withdraw from his campaign for the highest office of the land
Schumer, Pelosi and Obama are pushing forward to the Blue Convention delay
To gather more supporters of the idea that Biden must fade away
Clearly the Blues are mired in the musical of the absurd
Biden is about as pleasing as finding in your living room a large tu*d

© 7/17/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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