Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Hunter Biden Fixture in White House to Keep Biden in the Race; Needed For His Pardon to Prison Escape


Hunter Biden must be in a world of fear
Probably why at White House he more often appears
To support his dad and encourage him not to give up hope
That viewers will forget the debate and TDS will be Biden’s life rope
He is not motivated by what is best for the nation
But only needing Biden as president to pardon him for his digressions
He must know that when a crack in a dam appears
It will expand unchecked as a complete breach is near
Blues on the down ballots will be fleeing from Biden in a mad rush
Desperately trying to escape a total Red crush
The longer Biden ignores the reality of his mental impairment
The less chance Blues have to a Red Down Ballot Landslide prevent
If he will not withdraw because of his ego and Jill aping Edith Wilson’s fame
To avoid disaster Blues will have to play hardball and bring the 25th to the election game
© 7/2/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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