Monday, June 14, 2021

Toobin the Zoom Masterbator Back at CNN--A Very Forgiving Wife?


What kind of man masturbates during a Zoom presentation?
Either a fool or a pervert so blinded he does not believe in retaliation
The Zoom broadcast was not a CNN show
But at the New Yorker that told him he had to go
But CNN must believe no matter what you do if outside CNN
If not often or only now and then
You have not embarrassed the network to a firing merit
Only a short suspension, which is only a mild demerit
Toobin is back at CNN with a straight face to tout his leftist spin
Knowing that decency and morals at his network lose never win
For Amy McIntosh with 34 years of marriage in the books
Masturbation a minor issue to a son out of wedlock to a marriage shook
Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice it’s shame on me but are we through?
Their two adult kids are from the scandal probably immune
But feel for the 9 year old born out of wedlock who maybe teased relentlessly for dad’s masturbation on Zoom
Maybe Toobin’s relationship with his 12 year old out of wedlock son
Is only a begrudge check for child support and any chance for a relationship and caring is long since done
In the amoral world of the MSM like CNN
Toobin’s indiscretion a badge of honor, part of a decay moral trend
© June 14, 2021 The Alaskanpoet

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