Friday, September 9, 2022

Portland Residents Protected by the ADA Are Suing City to Force Removal of Homeless Tent Cities Blocking the Sidewalks


Portland that once beautiful city on the Willamette River was known as The City of Roses
Now a better name would be The City where you need to cover your noses
Aping the former beautiful City by The Bay it’s now overflowing with feces, urine and needles spent
Sidewalks and parks now overflowing with the homeless living in tents
Finally residents covered by the ADA
Are suing the city to remove the tents that block their wheel chairs way
The ADA was based on a simple fact
Just because one is handicapped access to public places one shouldn’t lack
Not safe for pedestrians and wheelchairs to be forced by tents to the sidewalk leave into the streets
To be run over by bicycles and motor vehicles they may then meet
In addition to the homeless, Portland struggles to cope with severe rising violent crime waves
670 shootings compared to 582 this time last year
But aiming poorly as only 41 compared to 49 into the morgues to appear
The town is shedding business and citizens like a bad case of dandruff because of crime
As a safe place to live and work, the city is running out of time
The ADA suit which should prevail should force the city to the issue of homelessness address
Walking over feces, dodging needles and robbers and assaulters causes way too much stress!

© September 9, 2022 The Alaskanpoet

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