Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Blue Hillary Scholten Running for Congress Is Complaining Inflation Making It Hard to Live on Her 200 Grand Salary


Blue Representative Scholten running in Western Michigan against a Trump endorsed candidate that in the primaries the DNC with donations backed
Who made 200 grand as a lawyer last year with a husband who may also work is complaining inflation is causing family financial setbacks
A campaign ad trying to her as a mere mortal play
With a child with torn sandal mended with duct tape on display
The air conditioner turn off to avoid high electricity bills to pay
Unable to buy new shoes for her two kids to wear on back to school day
Not being able to live on 200 grand plus what her husband makes doesn’t pass the smell test
Clearly if her income was more like her potential constituents meeting the family budget she would be hard pressed
Very seductive ad with its pitch hard to be believed that “Blues need to start spending less”
And that “Reds need to start caring more about people” stress
If we are as a nation needing to have our government spend less not more
How can you trust a candidate who complains living on 200 grand is an impossible chore?
And how can you trust a party who thought her opponent in the Red primary had to be backed?
So in the general endorsed by Trump a majority of the votes against her he would lack

© September 20, 2022 The Alaskanpoet

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