Friday, August 6, 2021

Two Blues Stealing $221 Per Diem While on Vacation in Portugal


The Texas Blues who from the state fled
Instead going to the Texas House went to the Swamp instead
A needed quorum to vote on election reform they were able to prevent
Were viewed as heroes by D.C. Blues with the myth of “voter suppression” to the MSM vent
MSM called them heroes with high moral and ethical spines
To prevent imagined voter suppression they were on the high road front line
Now we find that with respect to two of the Blues
That story is a myth not even anywhere near true
Two of them are in Portugal enjoying a vacation
Sucking down the $221 per diem merits our condemnation
These AWOL Texas Blues are not doing their jobs
Yet have greedy hands in the till to a per diem to rob
Abbott should end their slurping at the per diem trough
Call another special session and cut their per diem off
If and when to Texas they ever return
Rangers should meet them and toss them in jail that their behavior has earned  
And as a MSM typical double standard meriting our condemnation
Remember Cruz escorting his daughters to Mexico when Senate not in session and targeted by MSM damnation

© August 6, 2021 The Alaskanpoet

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