Monday, September 6, 2021

Newsom Is Newsome and Elder is Elder not a Trump Desperate Blues Try to Link Elder to Trump


Scratch the skin of a Larry Elder and you get an Elder not a Trump
Scratch the skin of a Newsom and you get leftists that we need to dump
Newsom early on realized he good not use the “Elder is a racist” myth
In desperation Newsom is calling in the left’s big guns to his campaign lift
First Warren left her Cherokee claim back in D.C. but ranted and raved
That from Trump we had to keep Newsom to our democracy save
Biden whose approval ratings are sinking faster than a stone
And crises are spreading faster the our numerous wildfires may reconsider and stay home
For certain next on the rescue Newsom campaign team
Is Harris that icon of incompetence who’s focused on her Oval Office dream
Strange choice to share the dais with someone who as VP has thus far been a disaster
She has failed to in anyway shape or form the monthly increase in illegals master
On Afghanistan withdrawal disaster due to Biden’s incompetence not one peep
If Biden was not so always at the dementia sea why would he want for her to keep?
Watching Biden’s failing mentals and Harris’ Peter Principle rise to level of incompetence curse
There are enough working neurons for him to know that Americans would believe replacing him with her would be much worse
Blues are in panic mode that Feinstein may soon resign
If recall wins it’s regain the Senate majority time
Newsom just lost another grasping straw
DiFi just indicated from the Senate she will not withdraw

© September 6, 2021 The Alaskanpoet

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