Mankind has been blessed with many
advances that were pure luck often when money was tight
Kellogg’s cornflakes for example resulted from stale cooked wheat left out overnight
Not tossed but rolled and then toasted to become corn flakes
A cereal of choice that many of us growing up with milk would make
Penicillin was discovered due to mold growing on stale bread
Its discovery a powerful weapon for use in the war on bacteria led
Botox was originally designed to fight the issue of crossed eyes
When tested on monkeys it was seen to wrinkles in the glabella defy
Quickly positioned from the crossed eye world to become the great warrior
against skin aging grief
To millions of women like Pelosi aging with wrinkles and sagging skin it was instant
The best case of drug repositioning ever found was Viagra originally developed
to fight chest pains
To become the Holy Grail to fight ED and
let fun and games in the bedroom reign
If there can be drug repositioning why not the same for laws
When our immigration laws are fatally flawed
Title 42 is the magic wand to send illegals to their home countries packing
Until we address asylum reform it should have our total backing
Becerra's advice on 42 belongs in the trash
While across our border illegals crash
the time honored advice of Bert Lance
“Don’t fix what ain’t broke” to stop the flood of illegals advance
© April 21, 2022 The Alaskanpoet
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