Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Murdaugh's Reputation Further Tarnished With Allegations of Beating and Raping Sex Worker 6 Years Ago


Unless his lawyers can pull a new trial rabbit out of their appeals hat
Alex Murdaugh that once all powerful legal autocrat
Will never the light of freedom from prison see
Leaving a surviving son Buster wondering who will mourn for me?
After being kicked out of law school for committing plagiarism sin
His powerful father paid 60 grand for the school to let him back in
Grieving for the murder of his mother and younger brother Paw-Paw
Drifting adrift unsure if he wants to complete his study of law
Hoping the assets acquired by his dad’s embezzlement
And have not due to his dad’s drug addiction not be spent
Will not be recovered by the victims
And without benefit of the family name on his own he will have to sink or swim
The news today will add to the being a Murdaugh curse
Will probably make his anger and grief far worse
Lindsey Edwards, a former call girl, has alleged Murdaugh after using drugs,  beat her and raped her 3 times 6 years ago
Given the power of the Murdaugh family very understandable why to the police she would not go
Fox News has corroborated many facts in her claim
The prosecutors were going to call her to testify but the judge ruled too prejudicial and not germane
Leaving us and Buster to wonder what would have happened if she had
Would Alex been arrested and due to addiction sent to rehab
Stripped of the right to own the firearms
He used on his wife and son with deadly harm?
Coming out of rehab addiction free
Not having to go on drug habit embezzling spree?
We will never know the outcome of What If?
But only hope his father did not give Buster the addictive gene and reptilian brain as his parting gift

© 3/7/2023 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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