Monday, February 7, 2022

MSNBC and CNN Both Lose Their Prime Time Stars


Whether they should be called the bookends of bias or the Bobbsey Twins of Fake News
For now MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow’s airtime and CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s airtime is through
Maddow on a hiatus for other projects including a movie about felon Spiro Agnew
Who given Nixon’s resignation thank God about his criminal activities the feds the whistle blew
She may be on hiatus for some time so the time slot has a chance of being bias and fake news free
Sadly don’t hold your breath given the advocacy journalism propensity of NBC
But hopefully her replacement will be unlike Matt Lauer reptilian brain free
She will not be missed with her hyping scandals exposes previews that we would never see
And the fact from her intense hatred of Donald Trump she could not set herself free
Little Fredo already in hot water for helping his sex scandalled Bro Andrew in breach of journalist integrity
Fired for charges of possessing an active reptilian brain on a buttocks grabbing search
To leave the Cack News Network’s Prime Time programing in a lurch
Hard to say whether Maddow took a hiatus on her own accord or not
As her hype of release of incriminating scandal documents was really just rot
But Cuomo’s departure was not voluntary and huge dollars remaining in his contract are at stake
Look for him and his Bro to be in court wanting to be paid in Chris’ case and Andrew fighting for the book deal advance New York wants to take
Not that they need to as Fox News has in the ratings consistently stomped MSNBC and CNN
Champagne corks will be popping as doubtful in the prime time slot either network will have a credible host either soon or even when
© February 7, 2022 The Alaskanpoet

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