Tuesday, February 7, 2023

When Do the Green New Deal Warrior Add the Elite's Use of Private Jets to the Carbon Emission Bullseye


For Green New Deal Warriors regardless of the hurt or cost
Carbon emissions must be curtailed or to climate change Mother Earth will be lost
Biden has declared war on domestic production and use of fossil fuels
Ignoring the fact the U.S. leads world in reducing carbon emissions with natural gas as its tool
The sale of new gas vehicles in California will soon banned
Gas stoves are the Blue Green New Deal Warriors target that must disappear from the land
Even milk and beef meals may soon be on the list
Cows are notorious methane emitters so milk and beef consumption we must desist
In the rush to cross the bridge to the land where carbon emissions disappear
Green warriors have not considered where the increased watts come from to prevent the bridge from being a truncated pier
Our Electrical Power Grid may not be for the task to all the new EV’s to recharge
As long as opposition to coal and nuclear power generation remains large
As the Green New Deal Warriors believe in rapidly nearing climate change doom
Sadly one major carbon emitter from the wrath of the Warriors remains immune
The private jets to the celebs, business and political elites to pamper
While mere mortals comfort in foodless and cramped coach is hampered
Climate Czar Kerry browbeating us on climate change carbon emissions
Is shackled to his wife’s private jet to fly to the next summit on his climate change mission
Bill Gates likewise is tethered to flying in private jets
But at least he is investing in the carbon capture business bet
And the celebs like Taylor Swift that for Blues vote and contribute
Deserved condemnation for excessive emissions is moot
As long as Biden is on a mission to soak the rich
Drive the economy further into the ditch
He should propose a mileage tax high for short flights lower for long
And enjoy the howls from the celebs and elite who will feel wronged

© February 7, 2023 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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