Friday, February 3, 2023

Frightening Thought Is The Chinese Spy Balloon a Beta Test for an EMP over the Nation?

 MaineChristian commented on Fox News Article on Sen. Hawley demanding an investigation of the Chinese Spy Balloon which is really frightening given the damage an EMP would entail and which prompted by response to him

I think the Chinese are testing that balloon to determine how feasible it would be to launch an EMP device over the central part of the country which would wipe out the electrical grid, most electronics (which would include all vehicles with computer controls), ATMs, the internet and shut us town for months if not years. I bet the elites already have built hardened facilities.

You comment just made the lightbulbs go on

Launching an ICBM at us would be the act of a moron

But a weather balloon getting data to help mankind fight climate change

Would be probably be praised and not viewed as something deranged

All the more reason to shoot the balloon down and its payload uncover

With Biden as CIC we will be in a world of hurt if a trial run for an EMP we discover

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