Monday, December 28, 2020

In BonChon Before Three to Wait in Line to Order After So No Lunch Special For Me


After opening my computer each day to blog on
An ad for Bonchon on my screen would pop on
Opened the menu and my mouth began to drool
Chicken wings to die for and octopi not wanting to go there would a fool
So a little before three in the rain I drove to my taste sate
Opened the door for a woman and behind her had to wait
Tough choice to make but two lunch specials of wings
And to top it off the octopi and shrimp dumplings to bring
Ordered at the counter as soon as the woman had her order done
Only to get hit with this refusal to stun
It was now after three and no lunch specials for me
The girl either would not or by the computer clock was barred
Empowering the staff by Bonchon does not go far
Disappointed and because of the experience will most likely not go back
The restaurant's procedures to not take orders for people in the door is a stupid way to customers attract
Left and drove back to my second favorite deli, Beach Hut
Because sadly the Euro Deli and its roast beef sands to die for on Monday is shut

© December 28, 2020 The Alaskanpoet

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