Wednesday, May 29, 2024

With Blacks Bailing on Biden and Harris, Biden Campaign in Panic Mode on Pennsylvania Campaign Trail Hopefully Due to Mental Impairment to No Avail ina


While the nation may be on pins and needles on what the Bragg Show trial jury will decide
Whether the election is decided on personality or policy may determine the winning side
Trump’s personality befitting a man who grew up in the Queens is somewhat brash
Rubs some voters the wrong way when the counter puncher his foes he will bash
But when it comes to policy on the border, illegal immigration, inflation and crime
It’s beginning to look among certain groups that they are going to vote Red this time
Biden and his Blue minions will most likely claim a majority of voters who are black
But instead of 92% to 8% in elections past, that large majority Biden will lack
Illegals flooding our cities and draining the funds in our social safety nets
Are impacting the blacks who need the services the most and they will not forget
The Biden Administration instead of deporting the majority who will be filing bogus asylum claims
Are providing them with lodging, food, health care, legal assistance, work permits and other free goodies you might name
While veterans and poverty stricken black Americans are losing access to the same
To place illegals above the needs of Americans merits only shame
If the election were held today only 73% of blacks would for Biden vote
Far less than the 92% in 2020 make his potential win very remote
Panic is sweeping the Biden campaign
As Trump is breaking its grip on blacks that in the past let Blues reign
So today on a Pennsylvania campaign swing are Biden and the World Salad Queen
Only problem for Joe is his frailty and mental impairment will be clearly seen

© May 29, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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