Sunday, May 19, 2024

Jet Passenger Plane of Air India Plane Has Engine Catch Fire To Make Emergency Landing But Not a Boeing Plane


Executives at Boeing today are sighing in relief
Another mishap in the air but this time spared any grief
As an Air India Express flight taking off from Bangalore
An engine caught fire and seeing the flames passengers screams roared
The captain quickly returned to Bangalore and no terrified passenger was hurt
But Boeing with a string of mishaps causing criticism they have been trying to divert
Must have been on pins and needles if another Boeing plane in the news
Was forced to make an emergency landing could mean airlines buying Boeing might eschew
Boeing dodged the bullet this time as it was not a Boeing jet
But an Airbus 300 that the captain had to back on the ground quickly get
But before the Boeing executives pop the corks
They must be assured the needed improvements in engineering will not abort

© May 18, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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