Sunday, May 19, 2024

President of Iran May Have Been Killed in Helicopter Crash To the Joy Of Iranian Dissidents


 Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, who represented the hard right shift in Iran,
Coming back from a dam inauguration  at the border with Azerbaijan
Was riding in a helicopter that crashed in a forest shrouded in fog and mist
Rescuers have not reached the site but if there are no survivors by dissidents s he will not be missed
He was elected president only because all other candidates were banned
With the fatal crackdown on dissents he had blood on his hands
Behind the attacks on Israel with 300 missiles and drones
Almost all of which misfired or could not get past Israel’s Iron Dome
Iran is a theocracy and the ruling powers reside in Iran’s supreme leader
Who is 84 years old and not long for this world with no appointed succeeder
In a perfect world Iranians would believe the Great Satin was behind the crash
And rather than risk its wrath tone down against the Great Satin their bash
And end their sponsorship of terrorists like Hamas, the Houthis and Hezbollah
And enter the secular stage, allowing worship to other than just Allah

© May 19, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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