Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Not To Late For Biden To Ape Ford and As Romney Suggests Pardon Trump To Have a Chance To Win Reelection


Mitt Romney has been referred to as a RINO many times
But he is right on point for Biden’s failure to pardon Trump for any crimes
Trump was lucky that Biden too confident had handed to him
On a silver platter a key issue that of two different justice systems
One for Blues that their transgressions often turns a blind eye
One for Reds who the system of justice blind is denied
Biden had classified documents dating from his Senate days in his garage
Yet the DOJ would not be leading the to the grand jury charge
Hillary ignored subpoenas to destroy with hammers cell phones and thousands of emails erase
Paid for the infamous false Steele Dossier to Trump’s election chances try to debase
Yet Biden was not charged with mishandling documents that were classified
And Hillary was not charged with obstruction of justice or interference with the election that the Russian collusion the Steele Dossier implied
The man who from his basement ran as the adult who could unify this land
Became the conductor of the Destroy MAGA Supporters Marching Band
The country thanks to Biden’s attempts to destroy Trump voters and the rule of law ignore
Is more divided as ever not since our Civil War so costly in blood and gore
When Ford took office after Nixon resigned he faced a nation coming apart at is seams
He sensed to try unify the nation with Nixon on trial would be like being in a canoe without a paddle trying to go upstream
His pardon of Nixon probably caused his to Carter defeat
But it was the right thing to do enabling us from further divisiveness retreat
The criminal and civil actions against Trump resulting in his leading in all but 1 swing state
And causing millions in donor contributions flowing into his collection plate
Forced Biden’s puppet masters to concede to having 2 debates
Hoping against all facts that the restrictions will enable Biden to shine
No audience and cutting off mics in interruptions or when running out of time
With the MSM panels still sadly lacking objectivity and still on his side
That Biden will save his reelection and end thoughts of a Trump and Red landslide

© 5/15/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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