Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Stormy Hostin Ranting About White Women Who Voted For Trump Instead of HRC Aping HRC's Delusional Complaints


When it comes to being misnamed Hostin of The View wins the prize for the biggest mistake
From her lips not a ray of warmth or compassion only storms one cannot escape
Stormy Hostin’s latest rant is against the 53% of white women who voted for Trump
When they should have followed black and Hispanic women who him dumped
HRC on the talk shows pedaling an upcoming book
Is bemoaning that women if not perfect voters forsook
She still cannot accept the fact she lost
Ignores the honesty into the trash heap she tossed
Was perfect when it came to the pedaling the bogus Russian hoax and the Steele dossier
Or destroying her cell phones and emails that her dishonesty put on display
Or keeping reporters with roped lines away
Or denying her role in our Libyan Ambassador’s death to this day
One can take it to the bank when watching “Sunny” Hostin on The View
Any attempt at being objective she will always eschew

© May 28, 2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet

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