Monday, May 13, 2024

UNC Is Reallocating Funds To Its Campus Police From DEI Due To Demonstrations and Disruption on Campus


The DEI Mouse that has roared across the nation’s universities with millions on DEI programs being spent
Looks like the pendulum has reversed and into the trash bin the programs and their budget will be sent
Universities are spending large sums to push the goal of DEI
Hiring people to insure DEI even though the hiree’s skill set fails to qualify
Resulting academicians and researchers hired to fill a DEI box
But infected with the meritocracy into mediocrity pox
Who are contagious and the students soon infect
Easily discovered not by physical characteristics but by the amount of subpar academics the infection reflects
The University of North Carolina, the nation’s first public university, wants its DEI to end
And believes in education the ending of mediocrity with meritocracy
$2.4 million dollars spent annually but in view of the protests
Of demonstrators who become violent not deterred by arrests
The Board of Trustees by ending DEI intend such dollars saved will go to the campus police
What student can study for finals when demonstrations both for and against Israel do not decrease
Unless a university is private and not dependent on the state its funds
Ending or sharply reducing a program is sadly easier said than done

© 5/13/2024 Michael P. Ridley aka The Alaskanpoet


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